i gained some, but you know... It's ok

Didn't know where to put this. But this seems to be a fairly good spot as far as forums.

So, after Memorial Day weekend, I found I gained about a pound and a half. I tried to head it off. Went mountain biking two days, trail running and swimming another. But even then I made a couple of bad choices that sucked up a lot of the calories over the weekend I had planned on having for my big cookout on Monday.

But the fact remains. I don't care, and it's okay.

It's a pound and a half. i can work it off this week. My official weigh in day is Sundays. I may look at the scale this Sunday and see I lost nothing. But I don't think its about weight loss all the time, every week. My motto has always been and always will be that weight loss is a marathon, not a sprint. So, I had one week where I may not lose. So what?

You still have to live life. And sometimes living life means having a cheat day. Maybe once awhile it's a cheat weekend. There's nothing about last weekend I regret (except maybe eating that second burger, but doggone they were good. :-) ) I had fun with friends. I had fun with the family. Yeah, I sat out eating ice cream with my wife and daughter on a hot day Saturday. Yeah, I sat out drinking some cold beer on the porch Monday.

But in the end, it was worth it for one weekend.

I hope some others who may have let loose for the weekend read this. I hope no one is beating themselves up this week for what they may have done over the weekend. If you are, I just want to say don't. My next cookout, I think I am going to plan better. Provide a few more healthy alternatives. I still haven't master that, and I know there's a lot of things I could do to make sure my grill out isn't loaded with fatty foods.

But for one weekend, I don't regret it. And I just want to say, you shouldn't either.


  • schnarfo
    schnarfo Posts: 764 Member
    Great post!! What a fantastic attitude! :) x
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    This is exactly how I feel! While I want to be healthy and in good shape, I also want to enjoy life and that includes some good food, especially when shared with friends :smile:
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Love your attitude! It truly is about living, not just about losing weight!!!! The trick is to catch that pound you gained and lose it again before it becomes 10 pounds, or 50 pounds!!!!

    Great attitude! Have fun working it off!!!! I think you'll enjoy the sweat... I do!
  • kandire
    kandire Posts: 87
    This post is truly about lifestyle change. You're never going to be able to live the rest of your life and not have a weekend where you don't make the most healthy choices! Amazing attitude.