Horsey People - how about a challenge for us?

I know there are horsey people out there, and as we know - horses ARE fitness, especially depending on your discipline.

How about a challenge of riding a certain amount of hours each week? Maybe 10? Or even 5, as I know we all have busy schedules. And perhaps try to make the workouts more challenging, most posting, dropping your stirrups, long trotting, etc.

Or make it a month [sounds better to me], and make it 30 hours for the month of June? I think we could do it. Not only would it be a blast [riding is fun] it'd be great for US and our horses!


  • Kimbie500
    Kimbie500 Posts: 388 Member
    I like it! I struggle to find the time to ride - maybe 30 hours in a month is the challenge I need to get me in the saddle more! My difficulty will be that I only have one to ride and he has soundness/age/head-shaking issues, so if he's off or our ring is flooded, I'm done.

    But, I'm up for setting the time goal for the month and seeing what happens...
  • littlemissanguissette
    littlemissanguissette Posts: 248 Member
    I like it! I struggle to find the time to ride - maybe 30 hours in a month is the challenge I need to get me in the saddle more! My difficulty will be that I only have one to ride and he has soundness/age/head-shaking issues, so if he's off or our ring is flooded, I'm done.

    But, I'm up for setting the time goal for the month and seeing what happens...

    That sounds great! What do you think our group should be called? I am horrible with catchy names! Today is June 1st, so it'll be a great time to start! Weather is finally getting nice, I should have no excuses and I need to get out there! I have one more week until my mare is ready to ride, and I'm itching to start conditioning!
  • LuneBleu85
    LuneBleu85 Posts: 217
    I'd love to get in on this. I have a hectic week happening right now but the rest of the month should be much easier to squeeze in riding time. :)