Need support & to be re movivated!!

h64em Posts: 64 Member
I have been on here since Feb 2011. This is my first time seriously trying to lose weight. I started at 241 lbs and I am currently around 181 lbs. The weight had been coming off me steadily until 3 weeks ago, then I put on 1 pound and since then cant get back on track! I know its not much but I feel disappointed that I am still eating the same and exercising the same but not losing.

Should I maybe change my goals for awhile. I am set to 1200 a day with a projected weight loss of 1.2lbs a week. My life style is sedentary as I work in an office all day. I go to Zumba twice a week and walk several times a week, plus exercise bike.

My diary is open and I would appreciate any feed back and some more friends to help keep me motivated! I love this site and I know I wouldnt have come this far without it!!