Finally Introducing Myself

Teeladog Posts: 157 Member
I have been on and off MFP for about a year. I lost about 35 lbs. 4 years ago with Weight Watchers and have been reasonably successful at keeping it off on my own since then. However, over the last year or so my weight has been slooooooowly creeping back up and now I am 10 or 12 lbs. heavier than I really want to be. Exercise is not my problem...I teach water aerobics/swimming/lifeguarding and I work out every day in some way. I even started training for a half marathon to get myself to be a little more focused on my exercise goals.

Apparently Food is my problem. I really rebel against tracking. I am fully aware that it works and in reality is the only thing that has ever worked for me when losing weight. I will be really good about it for a few days then get pissed off about having to do it and not only stop tracking but use it as an excuse to eat whatever I want whenever I want. I have recommitted myself to tracking though after eating WAAAAAAAAY too much over memorial day weekend and having the scale hit a number I was very, very unhappy with.

I am hoping that by introducing myself hear I will become part of the community here. I think (hope?) that this will help me with my food tracking rebellion. Worth a try anyway right?

Off to find something to eat for breakfast...
