How do you change calorie count??

I'm new to this...first day...Want to use the 1200 calories a day but don't want my exercise to offset (add calories/increase) to my count. This puts my 1200 calories to over 2000 calories a day. I'm looking for a BIG weight loss so plan to workout alot. Is there a way to input your exercise without it adding calories to your food log?


  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Since you only have 35 lbs to lose your goal should be 1 lb/week. MFP gives you a deficit to hit that goal without exercise and in order to stay at your target weight loss you must eat back the exercise calories, or your caloric deficit may be too large and you may end up losing muscle mass instead of fat.
  • kfitz10103
    kfitz10103 Posts: 354
    If you are burning 800 calories per day and are only eating 1200 then you may want to reconsider increasing your calories. I eat 1680 and I still lose weight and I do eat back my calories. I would stick to what the website says you should eat given your weight loss goals. I guess to get around it you shouldn't log your exercise, but I would think that only 1200 calories given your exercise level may not be as healthy as you think. I have heard some pwople on here gain weight if they don't eat enough b/c their body goes in starvation mode. Have you thought about talking to a doctor first?
  • Cigir
    Cigir Posts: 2
    I don't think so, I guess the easiest thing you can do is just not log your exercise.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Here's a post I did 2 weeks ago. There's a really helpful link in there that explains the 'Why 1,200 calories per day?'

    Weight watchers is set up the very same way (where in order to meet your points goals each day you have to eat back your exercise points--essentially to get to 1,200). It sounds backwards I know but if you deny your body at least the 1,200 (that's why MFP factors in the exercise) you will not lose the pound per week. Same as WW.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    I don't think so, I guess the easiest thing you can do is just not log your exercise.

    Then what's the point of being part of the program if you're not tracking your progress (along with your fitness)?