Walking/Jogging Question

I have a question for you fitness gurus out there. Is there a significant difference between walking/jogging in place and walking/jogging outside? (Other than hills and the embarassing sense people are watching you and laughing at your efforts?)

Thanks in advance, Ivory


  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    I know if you look on the exercise entry it does have running in place. Maybe you could look at the difference in calories burned between the two... just a thought :)
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    Walking outside is more strenuous than walking in place. With that said, do whatever you feel comfortable with.
  • teeley
    teeley Posts: 477 Member
    first of all if they are laughing at your efforts they are probably sitting on their butts...running outside is far better for you...it engages so many muscles it is not even funny. If you want to start running I would get outside, once you have gone a few times you stop caring what others around you are doing. Infact what you think is laughing might actually be others saying good for her look she is getting out running. Plus it is fun when really good runners run pass and give a head nod, making you feel part of the running world!
  • DeBlue
    DeBlue Posts: 254 Member
    Absolutely! Jogging in place cannot come close to the workout you get from an actual walk/jog. If you want more privacy, and the bonus of cooler temps, try before sunrise or after dusk if you have access to a safe area. And not to worry about who is watching anyway - most people are too self absorbed to notice anyway.

    Forward movement is so superior to getting your heart rate up there. You get variety of surfaces, incline/decline, wind resistance but most important the effort of moving the weight of your body forward. If you walk/run a mile you have to walk/run a mile back - commitment! Walking/running in place - not so much.

    Good luck in your efforts!
  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    Yes, the hills are the main advantage. Also, one of the best things I feel about getting outside is it isn't the same old boring thing. Even if I'm watching TV while on the treadmill it seems like it takes a lot longer to go the same distance as it would walking outside. One of the problems with people quitting exercise is they get bored w/it. Switch things up on yourself.
  • ivorythorns
    Thanks for all the answers and advice, everyone! That answers my question perfectly -- I was really hoping the answer would be no so I can stay huddled in the privacy of my living room. Drat! Well, time to get over myself and try working out outside!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I did some jogging in place last year when I was trying to get into barefoot running and it was a lot easier to stabilize my heart rate but you work completely different muscles since you're not moving your legs out. It could be beneficial but if you're looking to tone certain muscles that running outside would, I'd say just run normally. Otherwise, I think it's fine! A little boring as far as scenery unless you've got the tv on or something.
  • chrisyoung0422
    chrisyoung0422 Posts: 426 Member
    I have a question for you fitness gurus out there. Is there a significant difference between walking/jogging in place and walking/jogging outside? (Other than hills and the embarassing sense people are watching you and laughing at your efforts?)

    Thanks in advance, Ivory

    If you are moving anymore than walking pace it is running.

    There are many differences between the two. Outside you have a difference in terrain, weather, muscles used etc.

    Personally I would recommend outside as you will be see a better burn coupled with a more satisfying workout overall.

    Screw anyone who gawks or comments as you run. Most of them are unhappy and gripping a massive burger while you are working your *kitten* off. :noway:
  • jabbogurl
    jabbogurl Posts: 193
    Run outside, its way more fun! I always think people are watching me too, but not when I'm actually running. If I need to take a short walking break -breather- that's when I think people are like, "why is she stopping?" LOL! So, people watching me actually helps to motivate me and keep on pushing.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    The only one's laughing are the one's who don't know how much effort it takes to do it. Which means they probably need to get out there too. Go out and be proud of yourself for what your are doing to better yourself and your health. We are proud of you!
  • blobby10
    blobby10 Posts: 357 Member
    If I see anyone jogging/running then walking, I don't laugh - I think thank heavens I'm not the only one who has to walk and it does my confidence the world of good!!

    I'm another vote for outdoors whenever possible. Don't forget that if you can go cross country it will also help your core muscles as it's harder to stabilise yourself on slightly uneven ground!

    B x
  • Ping_A1C2U
    Ping_A1C2U Posts: 91
    I hate running so much that there's no way I could do it inside, the sights and smells and varying terrain are the only thing that I find enjoyable about the process, haha.

    I tend to go to the park to jog, so i can run on the grass. I was worried about people thinking I was out of shape at first too, but realistically, yeah, I am, but I'm doing something about it, and in a couple months, I'll be able to jog along like I always dreamed of.
  • esmestarz
    esmestarz Posts: 30
    I defenetly agree OUTSIDE working out is da best u sweat alot more u know the sun is hiting u and I always take my hearfones to hear music and it takes distraction from ppl honking or loking im in my zone and feel great hearing music :)