I'm new!!

I have been using the site for a little over two weeks now and love love love it!!!! I am down 9 pounds so far and cant wait to be fierce!!!!

SW= 250
GW=150-175.....I will know it when I get there.

I would love to meet friends who are trying to loose too!! ........would love to have people in the area to work out with too. I am in Avondale, PA 19311




  • wvmark41
    wvmark41 Posts: 124 Member
    Good start. Stay the course even through the ups & downs. Don't get discouraged if you hit a plateau; we all hit it.

    A good 2-pounds per weeks is a great pace.

    You can do it. There is good advice & support here. You're going to make it.

    Besides losing all kinds of weight, there's many silly people on here to keep you entertained.

    Welcome! Good luck!