Is it bad for me to hate the Weekends?

I LOVE my weekends becasue I am off work, but I hate them now becasue it seems like when the weekend comes I just want to eat whatever I want. I have four children so when the weekends come it feels like we are always in the car and we are never home to eat the "healthy stuff". I hate being out and having to choose "healthy stuff" at a resturant, but I know if I choose the bad items then I will have to work out harder to burn those calories off. I love the M-F work week, because I am in a conrolled enviroment where I can only eat what I bring to work and it helps me stay on track better. I also feel that on the weekends I don't want to track my food. I am wondering does anyone else feel this way toward the weekends now that they are eating healthy?


  • toez79
    toez79 Posts: 63 Member
    I have the same problem!! Over the weekend, I am not on a schedule, we eat at all kinds of different times, and if I'm just relaxing around the house I snack like crazy. Even if we are out doing things or running errands, it seems like the meals are larger or we might eat out more. I also drink more wine on the weekends and don't exercise as regularly. I think I need to set some kind of schedule or structure to my eating and working out on the weekends, since that does work ok during the week.
    So bottom line, I don't know what to do, but I hope someone else who responds can help! :)
  • angela828
    angela828 Posts: 498 Member
    I completely feel the same way! I always think, ahh well it's the weekend I'll just be good on Monday! but at the same time it makes me wonder if I had been good, would my weigh ins be better that week?

    My mondays through friday lunchtime are so controlled and good but then once friday dinner hits I want to eat junk... unfortunately this is just something else we need to learn to moderate.
  • brittaney10811
    brittaney10811 Posts: 588 Member
    I was always the same way! But the only person who can change this mentality is you! I've actually found that I tend to loose more on the fri-sun stretch than I do mon-fri! I'm not sure if it's because I normally would just give myself a free pass on the weekends, and now I'm not, or what it is. But I can share with you what I've been doing.

    I'm a HUGE fan of snacking!! that's proabably why i have failed so many times at loosing weight. but i've been doing much better now that i can SEE what i've been doing to myself with MFP. I don't track my food as much, if at all, on the weekends. but what i do, is i have a basic idea of what is and what isn't ok to eat... you know that chips are bad, chocolate isn't always the greatest idea, and burgers loaded with all of the goodies from a fast food restaurant can be murder to your diet.... and your mood as well!

    If you're a fast food fan on the weekends... try to get a grilled chicken sandwich as opposed to a burger... also ask for a fork. when you get the sandwich, take the bun off, or even just half of the bun, and eat it with the fork, or still pick it up. ask for no sauce, but extra tomato and lettuce, this will keep it from being dry, and will keep your conscience clear! always get water with your meal, don't hesitate and get something else, just say water, then once they give it to you, you are already paid and haven't had a sugar filled drink that you'll regret later! SKIP THE FRIES!!!!

    if you're a snacker... chips and crackers (guilty!) ....(( this is also a good replacement for the french fries you just had to forefit)) .. buy the 100calorie cheddar ritz cracker packs, or buy the vegetable crisps, and portion the bag out as soon as you get home into a number of snack bags with one serving in it. it's easy to throw in your purse and you won't feel guilty! Also, baby carrots are great for making you feel full, also take a snack back of those and throw them in your purse. Take a bottle of water and sip on it while traveling, it'll give you the illusion of being full~ your body won' t be begging for more! If it does, grab a snack pack you have so conveniently put in your bag!

    as for an ice cream and sweets lover, there are ice cream snacks by a brand called "Skinny Cow" and they are 100-150cal per serving, and absolutely WONDERFUL!! I pass a Dairy Queen every day on my way home, and it's incredibly tempting to stop and get a resee cup blizzard, but i know i've got those skinny cow ice cream treats at home, and so once i've had one of those, i once again have no guilty feeling afterwords!!

    Most of all, if you go to a restaurant, you don't have to forefit taste for a good meal... many places are adding smart choices to their menus, and they taste wonderful! Do NOT let your family make you feel bad or embarassed for ordering healthy! Maybe tell the kids to order applesauce instead of french fries as a side, get everyone eating better! :)
  • kaf330
    kaf330 Posts: 61
    I feel exactly the same way. I work 6 days a week but the M-F is way easier to stick to and on the weekend it is harder to track, even using my phone. I guess it is a burden we all share. I am also very bad at letting people know that I am trying to lose weight. Then if I fail no one will be the wiser.
  • chrisja
    chrisja Posts: 380 Member
    Its a problem I have too that I am doing my best to get over. I do so well doing the week only to mess up on the weekend. To make matters worse my official weigh in is Saturday morning. So I will get on the scale and see a good number and even that sets my brain in some sick motion of thinking "its the weekend and I have lost weight so its okay if I have a snack"...knowing full well where that will lead. Then come Monday mornings I feel so bloated and have to spend the week undoing the damage I did to myself, all of which leads to little or no real weight loss since its the same pounds going on and off. I have basically stalled for 3 weeks now because of the same thing but I know its my fault so its a fight I will continue fighting.

    Dont give up. Guess all of this just shows how human we are with similar problems.
  • ladybug2020
    ladybug2020 Posts: 83 Member
    Me too! Sorry don't have time to read thru tonight. I struggle every weekend tho
  • brittaney10811
    brittaney10811 Posts: 588 Member
    DON'T WORRY!! Kandire and I will keep you accountable if you need! We're all in this together :)
  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
    I totally hear ya.
    I was at slane kings of leon saturday with loads of chip stands.
    Gaa match on sunday then on to two pubs with a very bold dinner.

    As well as that i am off to australia for a year traveling in 10 weeks and am trying stay in and save but seems there is something on every weekend.
  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    have 1 splurge meal maybe 300 calories over your target and that will feel like an indulgence and make sure you pack healthy snacks for mom in the car and in your purse. I usually have a Sams size pouch of almonds and a water bottle in the diaper bag along with the kids granloa bars and juice boxes

    Any time you can grab a cheese stick or some stuff from the fridge on the way out the door the better.

    Pack a mini cooler and this way you can have the kids pick stuff they want and stuff you need and then you have it as yo are out and about all weekend
  • jesscsock
    jesscsock Posts: 25 Member
    I am the same too!
    I tend to have a day or two off over the weekend as my treat, but now I'm going to try and go two weeks without a treat, and after that go a month.
    I guess it's just about planning and being organised, and at least trying to get some exercise in to balance it out!