
Hi, everyone. I started on this site a while ago, but I was just a casual user to count my calories. However, I have decided that I really want to take my weight loss to a new level. I really want to focus on the life style change that I need. I have not always been over weight. In fact, I was always in really good shape when I was younger. However, changes in my life have lead to me gaining A LOT OF WEIGHT:sad: - divorce, full time school plus full time work, two little ones, and STRESS in general :grumble: . I am ready to get my life back on track! Today is a new day, and I need to keep reminding myself of that everyday. I can't change the things that have happened to me, but I can change how I look at food today, how I deal with my hunger, and how I feel about myself.

I look forward to getting to know all you! :blushing:



  • Marcieb21
    Marcieb21 Posts: 127 Member
    Hi, and welcome. I was the same as you, I only used the site to count my calories, but once i decided that meet people it has really helped me to lose weight because there is a lot of support!
  • tonyalenore
    tonyalenore Posts: 58 Member
    Hello! I've been using this for calorie counting for a while, but I just started trying the forms today. I also go to school full time and have kids. Good luck with your weight loss! Add me as a friend if you want :) I use my phone to track mostly, but I think I'm gonna come on the forums once a week or so. I think I can message friends from my phone.