Menstruation weight gain

cpumeu Posts: 89
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
Ladies, I am wondering if it is typical to notice a 3 -4 lb increase during your period. I weighed in on Monday while on my period and find a 3 -4 lb gain. Do any of you have that issue?


  • 36jessica
    36jessica Posts: 319 Member
    Oh yeah! 1-2 kilos for me, so that roughly 2-5lbs. It sucks, but what are you gonna do? Just remember that that's where the weight gain is coming from so you don't do desperate and fall off track...I'm speaking from personal experience:blushing:
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I gain 5-10...i definitely stay away from the scale until 2 days after I'm done...that's why I only weigh once a PMS kicks me in the *kitten*
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Yep. I usually see a gain of up to 5lbs before, during and the first couple days after it ends. I also find that I fluctuate REALLY bad while TOM is here.

    I try and not let any numbers I see on the scale leading up to starting or during affect my moods. I know it'll drop back down once it's done. I do try and drink more water since I know it is caused from water retention.
  • ambie35
    ambie35 Posts: 853 Member
    you tend to retain water on your cycle,hence the weight gain.
    And if your like me you tend to crave salty greasy foods too which doesn't help one bit!
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Water weight at TOM varies quite a bit from one person to the next, but 3-4 pounds certainly doesn't sound out of the question. My first few cycles here I didn't see the scale go up, but it stayed flat for a week to ten days and then I would see a big loss. This month I actually lost weight (though not much ) during TOM. I think it's a combination of having lost 25 pounds and eating a little better that's brought a change.
  • Kooldame
    Kooldame Posts: 1 Member
    hey me too... sucks :explode:
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    Oh yes. Mine is usually a 2-3 lb. increase (not every month but more so than not). Also comes with a lovely increased appetite! Yay for hormones and TOM! :explode: {haha}
  • Tristis
    Tristis Posts: 288 Member
    Yes...water retention is the worst!
  • my enemy. you can take water pills to pee it out!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    you tend to retain water on your cycle,hence the weight gain.
    And if your like me you tend to crave salty greasy foods too which doesn't help one bit!

    yes! What I wouldn't give for a double whopper right now
  • cpumeu
    cpumeu Posts: 89
    Whew! Thanks for sharing....I got on the scale Monday (my regular weighing day) and saw I was up 2 lbs...then today I see a 4 lb gain. I decided not to post it as I thought it was because of my period. Just took the water pill to see if that helps me pee it out as Tif said! Thanks!
  • fuminator18
    fuminator18 Posts: 89 Member
    My cravings starts a few days BEFORE my time comes...
  • Think i will avoid the scale this month, worst time to see a gain, what with all the hormones making me feel rubbish anyway lol
  • gwatso25
    gwatso25 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm like this, the week of my TOM I don't tend to crave anything but oh that few days before I start are hell!
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