Getting fit for the wedding day

WhisperALullaby Posts: 67 Member
edited September 28 in Introduce Yourself
So I've been somewhat noodling in trying to be healthier for a while, and since my wedding's coming up in October, I figured it's a good time to start getting serious.

I've always been somewhere around 130-140 or so, but after I had started taking birth control, I gained a good bit of weight (didn't own a scale, so I can't tell you for sure). Most of it congregated in my thighs/butt in the form of cellulite. Now I've noticed that my legs have slimmed down a lot (jeans I couldn't fit in last summer are now comfy in that spot) but numbers wise the weight hasn't gone down too much. Anything in the ticker is from when I bought a scale about 5-6 weeks ago. Cellulite's still there, and my skin is loose, and I haven't a clue on how to solve either. Hopefully will figure it out.

My main source of exercise is DDR (A dancing video game). I also work as a substitute teacher (was a full-time music teacher, woo layoffs and whatnot) and a marching band instructor. Here's hoping things work out!

And have I mentioned I love my dress? Hidden corset/tie-up back for the win!


  • hippo421
    hippo421 Posts: 45 Member
    I too am getting married (In September). I bought my dress last year and can't fit into it.. eek. And I LOVE my dress too. I need to fit into it or I'll just cry. I have about 10-15lbs I need to lose. Wish me luck! :flowerforyou:
  • WhisperALullaby
    WhisperALullaby Posts: 67 Member
    I'm glad I have some wiggle room with the tie-up back in mine, but I really don't know if it fits or not because I can't put it on by myself. And I'm worried since they ordered a size smaller than what I thought. Best of luck for both of us!! :flowerforyou:
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    Good luck to both of you and congratulations on your up coming weddings.
  • WhisperALullaby
    WhisperALullaby Posts: 67 Member
    Thanks so much!
  • beautylovetruth
    beautylovetruth Posts: 130 Member
    Best of luck to you and Whisper, DDR is a great way to lose weight and get your groove on. I played for a year or so, let me know if you have any questions!!
  • WhisperALullaby
    WhisperALullaby Posts: 67 Member
    Best of luck to you and Whisper, DDR is a great way to lose weight and get your groove on. I played for a year or so, let me know if you have any questions!!

    The only trouble I've had is that my calves have been feeling way too tight afterwards lately. I've been stretching pretty decently after, but it's still tight. Any tips?

    Which one was your favorite? I've got the PS2 versions of a few. Since they're cheap....yay for poorness.
  • klwalton88
    klwalton88 Posts: 41 Member
    My wedding is in October too! When is yours?

    I also have my dress, but I put on a little weight since I bought it in March (buying a house will do that). I am determined NOT to be a fat bride.
  • I bought my wedding dress in February. I was a size 18 and told the woman to order me a size 16. I did not want to be a size 18 bride. So now that the wedding is coming up, it's time to get serious. It costs more to take a dress out then in.

    Good Luck on your weight loss! A wedding is a great motivator. It's mine too. :)
  • WhisperALullaby
    WhisperALullaby Posts: 67 Member
    Wedding is October 23rd...we got stuck with a Sunday since everything else for this year was booked already by last fall ^^;;

    They ordered me a 4, when I normally wear between a 6-8, and I'm very I'm worried. But the one I tried on was that size, so I'm hoping they really do get made the same? *crosses fingers*
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    Hello Whisper! Congratulations on your upcoming wedding day. I'm an October 22 bride and just joined this site today. I'm definitely motivated because of the wedding to get fit. Just four more months to go and I would really like to lose 30-40 lbs. Hoping this site will help along the way. Best of wishes to you!
  • klwalton88
    klwalton88 Posts: 41 Member
    Hello Whisper! Congratulations on your upcoming wedding day. I'm an October 22 bride and just joined this site today. I'm definitely motivated because of the wedding to get fit. Just four more months to go and I would really like to lose 30-40 lbs. Hoping this site will help along the way. Best of wishes to you!

    I'm October 22nd as well! I'd like to lose about 20. Add me as a friend if you'd like.
  • WhisperALullaby
    WhisperALullaby Posts: 67 Member
    Well, we picked an awesome weekend then! Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • oh my gosh, yay for you & your wedding! that's fantastic motivation! i'll be here to help you out, no doubt. i'm going to add you right now :) p.s. i love ddr, haven't played in years but i used to sweat every time i played ... maybe i'll get back into playing that! thanks for the idea!!
  • WhisperALullaby
    WhisperALullaby Posts: 67 Member
    Ohhh I definitely need help and motivation, that's for sure!

    Though I also need to get over this cough of death that keeps me from moving much at all.

    In brighter news, our personalized Sharpies for favors came in!
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