So You Think You Can....



  • strandedeyes
    strandedeyes Posts: 392 Member
    *keeps my lips sealed* I wont tell you how it went but I will say that this season has some very interesting dancers coming in... and some with a lot of attitude.. lol
  • irridia
    irridia Posts: 527 Member
    so last night hulu ponied up with the 1st episode of sytycd and as usual, the *kitten* mad me cry a little. It gets worse as sthe season moves on. :love:
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    *keeps my lips sealed* I wont tell you how it went but I will say that this season has some very interesting dancers coming in... and some with a lot of attitude.. lol

    I definitely think that young man (the crumper) should have been more humble. But I wasn't sure why they reacted so poorly towards the broadway guy? He was only 18 and he was amazing! I couldn't figure out why they disliked him???
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    *keeps my lips sealed* I wont tell you how it went but I will say that this season has some very interesting dancers coming in... and some with a lot of attitude.. lol

    I definitely think that young man (the crumper) should have been more humble. But I wasn't sure why they reacted so poorly towards the broadway guy? He was only 18 and he was amazing! I couldn't figure out why they disliked him???

    K, I watched it! It's gonna be a good season. I liked a lot of them. The Broadway kid was technically flawless but they were right, he had no personality during his performance. He admitted that he didn't like to smile and needed to work on that, and he was right.:indifferent:

    That first chick totally looked like she could be in The Matrix, you know you know who I she was pretty cool.:glasses:
    And I had to LOL at the nut job psycho and her nut job father...:laugh:

    The crumper was just being a crumper I guess. He was good. I'd love to see him and Lil C go at it. I hope he makes it far enough to face off with him.:mad: <---angry crump buck stank-face LMAO

    And Lil' O? I was waiting for them to say "What does Lil'O stand for?"
    I thought he was going to say "I'm like Lil' C, but I'm gonna go ALL the way!"
    LOL he totally should have said that. I hate it when I think of the perfect thing for someone to say/do, and they don't! :tongue:

    LA tonight! Don't tell me about it, I might not get to watch till tomorrow night!:laugh:
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    ok, I

    Arielle! The one who came back for a few years? That slow walk forward with the fixed eyes...I'm straight up straight and I thought that was sexy as hell! Rawr!

    I liked the Japanese chick with the pop and lock like she was a puppet on a looking...

    others too but I'm tired and can't think....

    nighty night!
  • strandedeyes
    strandedeyes Posts: 392 Member
    This is going to ne one incredible season and i didn't realize that hulu had them on there!!!! That is exciting and interesting.

    Next week Vegas and here seems to be a lot of injuries...
  • divades
    divades Posts: 145

    These are two of my all time favs too. This is another one:
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    I found my other of many...
    especially the unscripted moment at the end. I love how the emotion of the piece got the best of them.;feature=related