Just wondering; Any other women have shape-shifting body typ

So there has been a lot of talk about body types lately and naturally this has me thinking of my own body type and how it’s changed; 10 years, 2 babies and who knows how many pounds ago I *was* an hourglass, but now I’m like a fruit and cheese plate! ;p
From all that I read if you gain most of your weight in the middle you’re an apple; in the butt, hips and thighs you’re a pair.
Well, Most of weight is in my middle, however I have enough on my hips, butt and upper thighs that I have a slight pair shape. (…and a little cottage cheese on the side! ;p ) I have never heard any mention of the “fruit platter” body type…
Due to all the weight gain I don’t know what shape I am under all the flab; will I return to an hourglass or will I still be a pair??? I rather be one solid item, even if it is fruit, than a buffet spread!
Any other women have shape-shifting body types??? If so, what have you noticed about your shape as you lose and/or gain weight? If you’ve built up your muscles, do you feel that it’s changed your shape?


  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    I think our perceptions about our own body type changes with time. Me: I thought I was fat in high school and college because I wore a larger jeans size than nearly all of my friends. Now I realize I wasn't fat back then, I was just short waisted and had an unusually high waist to hip ratio. I'm a banana as described by the site below - not destined to ever have anything close to an hourglass figure, however much weight I lose. At least they're right about the legs. Even at my heaviest, almost none of the excess fat ever landed on my thighs. Or butt either, for that matter. It landed mostly on my already thick midsection and my lower back back/ upper hips, where the fat pads above my relatively small butt gave my rear the squared off look of a horse's rump.
