18lb down (with pics!)



  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member
    looks great! and i like that tat on your side
  • maillekelly
    maillekelly Posts: 132
    Thank you guys! I weighed in today and have lost half a pound, better than nothing though! I think my TOM is creeping up, feel a bit bloated, grrr being a girl!!
  • dcladydi
    dcladydi Posts: 95
    Absolutely amazing... you look great. What kinds of exercises did you do?
  • maillekelly
    maillekelly Posts: 132
    Spinning spinning spinning!!! And Jillian Michaels 30 day shred, I tried to do p90x but I couldn't hack it lol
  • chrisuy
    chrisuy Posts: 39 Member
    Today has been CRAP, I ate my 1200 calories plus binged a little when I got home from work on about 200-300 calories, so my intake today is about 1400ish calories. I know, that doesn't seem like much, but I'm so upset with myself, plus I haven't done 30 day shred today. This is the first day in the 2 months I have losing weight that i have over eaten and cheated, it's not a good feeling, I'm hoping I will learn from this! I have spin class at 9.30am tomorrow morning, tomorrow is a new day, weigh in is on Monday, if I don't lose, hey ho, I'll try extra hard next week! :)

    Meh. It happens. Don't bother losing sleep over it and get back on the horse tomorrow.

    Keep up the good work!
  • brph26
    brph26 Posts: 207 Member
    I agree that you look really good, but people need to stop giving you a hard time for wanting to loose more! If you wanna loose more than do it! You weighed that much before, & you know your body type not them. Go for it! I'm sick of people on here who try to convience people not to reach their goals. You know what's best. Look great BTW =]

    I totally agree with this ^^^^ I get people in "real" life say similar things, like 5 more lbs? where is it going to come from? blah blah blah....Well, I have been 120-125 before and I was just fine. Heck I've even been down to 112, and I know looking back at pictures, that was too low for me. Just a few lbs really makes a difference and only you can make that decision on what is right for you and where you feel most comfortable.

    It seems this happens a lot on here. Just saw another post with a bunch of negative comments. Maybe these people are just jealous? Who knows! Just do what you feel is right for you :happy:
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