My skinny friend is trying to gain weight.

starla747 Posts: 2 Member
I'm going to lose weight at the same time (we're doing it together). Can this site help him as well?


  • mirandamatte
    mirandamatte Posts: 130 Member
    It sure can!
  • FaithandFitness
    FaithandFitness Posts: 653 Member
    Definitely, we all have different health goals. Tracking healthy food, water intake and exercise will help for sure, plus, we are known to be a supportive bunch!
  • cheryl3660
    cheryl3660 Posts: 182 Member
    As long as he does it in a healthy way, I don't see why not.
  • jakemg
    jakemg Posts: 42
    Yep. She/he would just enter starting weight and then a goal weight that is just going to be higher. Then his/her challenge will be to eat all the calories listed as opposed to trying to stay under the calories listed.

    At least that's how I think it would work.
  • SpazEMcGee
    SpazEMcGee Posts: 55 Member
    Of course! There are plenty of people on this site that are trying to gain weight too. Just look for them, they'll be around. Everyone needs support and everyone here will help either way!!
  • emilydmac
    emilydmac Posts: 382 Member
  • wendix
    wendix Posts: 74 Member
    definitely! because your friend will be trying to eat a lot of calories, it's good to keep track of where the calories are coming from! its not a good idea just to eat rubbish to try and put on weight so it's good to monitor exactly what you're eating to make sure youre still getting the right nutrients and vitamins! and not going way over in fat content/sugar content
  • notOpel
    notOpel Posts: 46
    Sure, theres a lot of people on here who are aiming to bulk up and gain muscle mass.
    I like this calculator for estimating calories for people trying to gain better than MFP:
    Good luck to you both!
  • UCFLauren
    UCFLauren Posts: 19 Member
    Must be nice, lol. :noway:

    In all seriousness, yes, this will help you. I have a skinny friend who has been trying to put on some weight and muscle, and he's been using this site in the opposite way I have. Just enter a goal weight higher than the starting weight!
  • jkoroll
    jkoroll Posts: 2 Member
    Currently I am trying to gain weight and my wife is trying to lose weight. The most important and useful tool is the "calorie tracker." Good luck!
  • starla747
    starla747 Posts: 2 Member
    wow, thank you all! I will definately invite him over here :D
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