Getting Use to Portion Sizes

KatheryneH13 Posts: 71 Member
edited September 2024 in Food and Nutrition
Hello all,

I've recently started MFP and have been really paying attention to my portion sizes. Measuring foods out, reading serving sizes on labels and all that fun stuff. The amount of food I'm eating now is dramatically different from about a week and a half ago.

Right now, when I eat the correct portion sizes I feel satisfied but definitely not full, which is a good thing. But sometimes I just want to eat more, not because I'm hungry or anything, simply because I want more. I haven't given into that temptation and I'm really proud of myself, but I wonder how long that feeling will last.

How long it took everyone to get used to eating way less.


  • Rowann
    Rowann Posts: 86
    I'm afraid I still haven't... I started my weight loss almost eighteen months ago (with a three month break in the middle because I emigrated and had other things to worry about).

    I enjoy eating, always have, always will... I just know that if I want to have any quality of life as I get older then I need to get on top of things now.... :)
  • It's been about 3 weeks for me and sometimes I just want more even though I'm not really hungry. It's a mental thing. Just keep telling yourself you want to loose weight and if you eat the extra that isn't going to happen.
  • KatheryneH13
    KatheryneH13 Posts: 71 Member
    Thanks guys! :)
  • In my experience you do actually adjust to feeling more full on less food. I think a huge part of that craving for more is psychological (as you mentioned, you're not really hungry, you just want more - and I feel that way often too). With that being said, I have noticed a change in my satisfaction level since I started consuming smaller portions 7 days ago. Like you, I have been measuring out all of my portions and eating considerably smaller servings. Yesterday I allowed myself to splurge slightly and went a bit past that satisfaction point and guess what... I felt stuffed! It wasn't really a very large serving at all (I'd say pretty average actually), but it became clear to me that my stomach must have shrunk a bit because it really filled me up. So, I'm not sure how long you've been constricting your servings, but my guess is that you should feel more satisfied from smaller portions after about a week.

    The biggest challenge is just being aware of when you want to eat more just "because". One tip that helps me is that when I'm craving and I think I'm hungry, I imagine a food I wouldn't typically eat simply for the enjoyment of it and see if I still want to eat. In other words, I picture something I like, but don't love (for instance, a bowl of green beans... I like those, but I certainly wouldn't gorge on them as I might with, say, pasta). If I still want to eat that bowl of green beans in my mind, I know I'm truly hungry. If I don't, I know I'm probably just experiencing a craving urge and it will pass. Hope that helps! Hang in there - you can do it!
  • B_L_A_Z_I_A_N
    B_L_A_Z_I_A_N Posts: 151 Member
    If I still feel hungry, I usually try to reach for more veggies which will fill me up but still be lower in calories than if i got another steak :P

    Your body should eventually adjust though
  • henney16
    henney16 Posts: 288
    I was 310 when I started using the site back on May 1, 2011. It took me about a week and a half to get used to the change in my portion sizes. My goal is to eat 1800 to 2000 calories a day (regardless of working out or not that day). I was really tired and hungry that first week and a half, but once I got passed that it started to get better. Now there are days where I am really hungry, especially at night and sometimes I go to bed early to fight the urge. So far this has worked for me as I've lost 21 lbs during the month of may. Good luck to you!

  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    I actually eat more. before cleaning up my eating habits I rarely ate breakfast. i could easily go until 6pm without eating anything and then I would pig out feeling I "deserved" it because I hadn't eaten all day. Now I'm eating 3 well balanced meals and 2 snacks. between all that I am almost always full.

    Try drinking a glass of water and a salad before each meal. I'm sure those 2 things will fill you right up. then when you get to your main meal, slow down and savor it.
  • Hi I was a huge overeater before. Basically used to eat too fast till absolutely stuffed.
    I have been doing the same as you measuring diligently for about 5 weeks and only eating till not hungry rather than till full.
    I have recently noticed that my appetite has dropped. Eg:
    Had my parents over for dinner a couple of weeks ago and cooked far too much prawn risotto. As it doesn't keep and it was a bit of a treat night I ate more seconds, this was still less than I would have eaten six weeks ago but I felt stuffed half way through that plate.

    I've had similar experiences on one or two other occasions too
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    It took a couple months for me. I feel full more quickly now but to be honest, I could still scarf down a plate of pasta like I used to (1/4 pound dried!) if I tried. So I am used to the portion sizes but I have a feeling I can still eat like I used to. :laugh:
  • melinda6569
    melinda6569 Posts: 124
    it took me about 3 weeks for my stomach to shrink and feel full off of smaller portions..if you are still hungry just make smart choices fruit or veggies..Do not ever starve your body..
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