TOTM messing with my workout. Advice?

Hey girls (or guys depending on those brave enough to tackle this issue),

So it's the week before my rag hits and I'm losing around 10lbs on my weights in strengh training this week alongside having nasty cramps when I'm streinging to lift. Oh yeah and the kicker is that I feel exhausted to the point where I'm dreading embarking on my cardio or feeling too exhausted to take it on. I hate feeling weak and not attacking my workouts not to mention I really don't like having to break my training because of TOTM. And I'd like to avoid birth control recommendations, not for any religious reasons instead I have no risk with my partner and I don't like messing with hormones.

So I'm wondering what you do or what you've heard people do to push you through this period of time (no pun intended)?



  • eillamarie
    eillamarie Posts: 862 Member
    Honestly? Just do whatever you can. Something is better than nothing. I usually can't go hard core during my TOM either, just go for a walk & do some lunges & stuff :) It'll help with the cramps & weakness too.
  • fpueblo
    fpueblo Posts: 241 Member
    I'd like to know this too I was doing fine for the past 4 month but for some reason this past couple of days has made me feel like I just started exercising again when I haven't stopped...
  • kimmyr1989
    try some extra iron (tablets, red meat whichever you choose) as your loosing iron during ttom and that might be contributing to your fatigue.