really disheartened!!

I have jst weighed myself for the first time in 3wks and have somehow put on 3lb.........WTF!! getting really F**Ked off with the whole thing now!!! beens eating properly, drinking more water, and exercising my *kitten* off!!! what the hell is going on??? may aswell give up completely, fed up with putting in sssooo much effort and getting nowhere!!! :0(((


  • FitFrenchGirl
    are you stressed out maybe??? I know when I get stressed or just get off my TOM....I gain even though Ive been killing myself working out and eatting right....But Hun I Wish you all the best!! Just keep your head up :) were always here to support!!

    ps...we all go throught this hard time:flowerforyou:
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    Did you weigh yourself using the same scale as before? At the same time of day?
  • sugarbeans
    sugarbeans Posts: 676 Member
    Hugs and congrats for being in the new lifestyle for 3 weeks so far. Your body can take time to adjust to the new system,new routine give it some time. As my boyfriend says it didn't come on over night so it's not going to come off over night. Hang in there, keep your chin up. If you aren't weighing yourself first thing in the morning after you go to the washroom try that

  • OutDaWay
    OutDaWay Posts: 40 Member
    Muscle weights more then fat .. Remember that.
  • Tiggerrick
    Tiggerrick Posts: 1,078 Member
    OK, but how do you feel about making the change to eating better and exercising? You are trying to lose only a few pounds. You might be better off measuring yourself and looking for changes there. Water changes can cause the scale to move quite a bit. In some cases up to 4 pounds from one day to another. Ofcourse, hormones can have their effects too. If you are working out, you may be replacing some of the fat with muscle, which will weigh more in the same amount of space. Use the same scale, and follow the same routine to weigh yourself every time.
  • Namaste1983
    Namaste1983 Posts: 603 Member
    Get off the number. Best tip I ever learned. Seeing a dumb number would throw my whole day off. I notice how my clothes fit, the more weight training i do the better everything looks and feels. I do a random weigh-in every 2 weeks and just go with it. I was at a place where i weighed myself 9-15 times a day. Throw the thing out or hide it. Trust your body. It will come off. Don't give up.
  • chillijam1
    chillijam1 Posts: 62 Member
    are you eating enough above 1200 cals a day? ,weighed yourself at same time of day on same day of the week? these could be just a few things that you could be doing wrong but cant look at your diary to see if theres something wrong with what your eating .
    you need to eat more when your exercising your body needs fuel.
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    There could be a lot of things.

    Did you weigh at the same time, after pee and poop?
    Did you measure yourself? You may be losing inches.
    Are you going to be getting TOM within the next week?
    Are you stressed?
    Are you consuming enough water? (8 8oz cups+ everyday)
    Are you watching your sodium intake? (Put this on your journal if you haven't. It's just as important next to calories in my opinion)
    Are you exercising TOO much and not intaking ENOUGH calories?

    If you want real advice on maybe changing some things it would be good to open your diary so people can take a peek and give you some tips on what it might be if it has to do with anything regarding to your intake
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    Muscle weights more then fat .. Remember that.

    It does?! Really?

    Maybe you should google that. . .
  • josephine_x
    josephine_x Posts: 90 Member
    I have tried zig zagging my cals, it's really working for me and I'm eating much more than before, feels like it shouldn't work but it does! There is a free zig zag calculator that works out your cals for you on I'd be interested to hear other peoples results from doing this. Might be an idea to up your cals to maintenance before you start though to fire up your metabilism again if you've been eating low cals. I'm also eating 5 or 6 small meals during the day and not mixing carbs and protein too much, gives your body a chance to burn the food you eat rather than store it as fat. Don't give up! ~It's often a case of trial and error to see what works for you!
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    Muscle weights more then fat .. Remember that.

    It does?! Really?

    Maybe you should google that. . .

    lol *thumbs up*
  • OutDaWay
    OutDaWay Posts: 40 Member
    Muscle weights more then fat .. Remember that.

    It does?! Really?

    Maybe you should google that. . .

    lol *thumbs up*

    What a cleaver and unneeded thumbs up...
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    How are your clothes fitting? Are you taking your measurements? Did you eat a sodium bomb the day before?
  • Inspiredtobe
    Inspiredtobe Posts: 53 Member
    When you weight yourself, make sure you took a crap and pee. Weight yourself first thing in the morning, because that's when it's more accurate. Your body needs time to adjust to the changes. If you weight yourself in the middle of the day, chances are that it isn't accurate because of the food you ate and everything. So just relax, and weigh yourself tomorrow in the morning. There should be a change.
    Make sure you're using the same weight scale. Make sure you are eating at least 1,200 calories a day and do not give up, you can do it!
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    Did you eat a sodium bomb the day before?

    I can vouch for that - one meal which included halloumi was still impacting on my weight two days later, despite attempting to offset the inevitable water retention by upping my water intake to 'flush' it out.
    How are your clothes fitting? Are you taking your measurements?

    Agreed. I have lost 14lbs in 60 days - I thought that by now I might have lost around 20; however, I have lost around 10" all over (including 2" from my hips), plus have dropped a size in jeans. While the number on the scale may be a tad disappointing, I *know* I am losing fat, toning up, and getting fitter, so really, I'm not bothered by what the scales tell me. How my body looks and feels is a much better guide. Let your body be *your* guide! :smile:

    Have you taken any photos? I find this to be a great motivator; I took some at the start of this journey, and have been taking them at intervals of a couple of weeks since then. The difference is remarkable!

    I hope you manage to feel less despondent. :flowerforyou: