does dizziness= low blood sugar



  • EvictingTheMassInMyAss
    I have cut out almost all sugar out of my diet other then good sugar like milk and anything in natural food. Since doing this I have noticed that i get dizzy a lot more then I used to. Any time I get up from sitting, or if I squat down to look at something on the bottom shelf at the store (even if for only seconds) and I stand up, I get dizzy and my vission gets wierd like im gonna pass out. I guess I am wondering if maybe I am letting my blood sugar get to low with cutting out the sugar in my diet even though I am not diebetic... any idea's??

    While low blood sugar can cause dizziness, I don't think that's what is happening here. Sounds like low blood pressure.

    As someone else said, rising more slowly can help with this.

    If you take any medication for high blood pressure and have lost weight, you may need to have that medication re-evaluated. You may need a lower dose now or not need it at all, but your doctor should make that decision after examining you.

    Please read my post abt Exercise Induced Reactive Hypoglycemia.....