Intro -Hello

Hi. Just wanted to take a moment to introduce myself. i'm new to myfitnesspal and already think it's wonderful. I have been overweight for some time now and have finally decided to commit "this time" and lose the weight once and for all. I began my journey in January 2011 and have lost a total of 12 pounds. However, in the past week, I've gained 3. I know during this time, I indulged more than I should have in the sweets department but usually it doesn't impact me as long as I work out. So, I'm somewhat disappointed in myself today but I won't give up. I workout Monday through Friday usually and enjoy each day. Hoping to find new friends and supporters. :smile:


  • NancyCatherineWalker
    Welcome to the site. I've been here a few weeks now and am loving it. Feel free to add me and we can encourage each other.
  • eddienosbod
    Hi, welcome - I'm new too! I've replaced sweets with dried apricots (actually they're really moist) I worry that they're just as sugary as anything unhealthy but at least they don't contain fat. Anyway, nice to meet you! Congrats on loosing so much. I've only lost 2 pounds so far!