I've reached a wall mentally and physically

I've been on top of this weight loss thing since February. I've lost 16 lbs since then and I feel like I am just getting burned out. I want to make this change for a lifetime and I'm halfway there. I started with determination, lots of support and now that I've gotten this far I feel myself slipping. I get to the point that I don't want to have to log every morsel of food that passes my lips. I've been making excuses and everyone around me is letting me do it. How do I get back my motivation?? I want to do this! I think it would help to have some more friends who will not only congratulate me when i'm doing well, but push me when I'm slipping. I have 16 more lbs to go.


  • Shutterpillar
    I have about 10 more pounds to go. I'll add you and we can do this together. YOU CAN do this! Dont let others bring you down and dont give up. I was feeling kinda "meh" after the holiday weekend and like you said, didnt want to log every bite I took. We just gotta push through these situations and get back on track.
  • iwillsoonbeslim
    You're halfway there, congratulations!
    I don't know why we self-sabotage, but we do.
    At least you've itentified one way you can regain your motivation :)
    This week, for the next seven days, why not be totally focused and determined to kick *kitten*? Be 101% on plan, challenge yourself you prove to yourself that you're still winning....do everything you can to lose at least lose half a pound more than you usually do, and I bet you feel re-energised when you do! Totally prove your doubting self wrong - don't do anything for anyone else, kick your own butt out if it's own doubts!
  • justahorsen
    justahorsen Posts: 234
    I want to see what people say as I am in the same boat.....try as I might I just do not have the "umph" it takes to "triumph".....
  • Aesop101
    Aesop101 Posts: 758 Member
    Sometimes you have to take a break mentally. I'm not saying give up on your goal. What I am saying is get involved in other aspects of your life.
  • fairlight914
    Don't give up now! You have come so far! It is a lifestyle change, just be gentle with yourself and remember as long as you are even thinking about better choices, you are STILL on track for success! PS You might want to join sparkpeople.com, it is free and your sparkfriends are VERY encouraging~ check it out! I belong to both sites....this one is great for tracking but I use sparkpeople for extra motivation!
  • mak_101
    mak_101 Posts: 28
    This is a mental and physical challenge for all of us. You are not alone. Do not give up on yourself...your goals are just down the road. Stick to your goals and know that there are many of us out here experiencing the same challenges.:flowerforyou:
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    You're halfway there, congratulations!
    I don't know why we self-sabotage, but we do.
    At least you've itentified one way you can regain your motivation :)
    This week, for the next seven days, why not be totally focused and determined to kick *kitten*? Be 101% on plan, challenge yourself you prove to yourself that you're still winning....do everything you can to lose at least lose half a pound more than you usually do, and I bet you feel re-energised when you do! Totally prove your doubting self wrong - don't do anything for anyone else, kick your own butt out if it's own doubts!

    I agree it is always motivating to see another lb off that scale
  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    I've got about 10 lbs to go as well, and have felt this way for the last 2 weeks. However, I decided that yesterday was a new month, and even though I'm unlikely to reach my goal this month, I'm going to get closer, damnit! LOL. Feel free to add me if you want. After I actually ate well yesterday and worked out, I felt so much better than I did before!!!
  • PrfctGdess
    PrfctGdess Posts: 257
    I think it's normal to occasionally hit that kind of a motivational wall. After all, we're all just human. :) I would suggest you try one or more of the following:

    - try changing up your routine. Switch cardio exercises; if you normally go to a class at the gym, try the elliptical instead. Or go for a walk, take a different class, just do jumping jacks in your living room, whatever is different. It might help your mental motivation to not do the same ole thing

    - take a small break. If your true goal (like most of us) is to get healthier and keep the weight off long-term, then this isn't a sprint, it's a marathon. If your life is particularly busy/stressful right now and/or getting healthy has just become a chore, take a short break and give yourself a week or so to just maintain instead of trying to lose.

    - call a friend to workout with. Sometimes a long walk with a friend or meeting a buddy for a class will help if you've been working out by yourself.

    - try some new recipes. Searching sites like allrecipes.com, myrecipes.com, or foodnetwork.com will give you a TON of new, healthy recipe ideas. Maybe changing up what you eat will help make it feel new and exciting again instead of mundane

    - know what works for you. A lot of people will advocate having a couple of days a week (preferably spaced out) that are "set" as "off" days. They stick to routine and don't do anything/much on those days. Personally for me, I can't take more than 1 day off consecutively or I lose my motivation and it takes me a week to get it back. :P But instead of having "set' days off, I work out on days that I feel like I can/should and take a day off when I need it. Sometimes that means I work out 2, off 1, sometimes I feel good and I workout 6 before I take a break. Find a system that works for you.

    - hang out on MFP and surf around. On my low motivation days, I find reading through some of the blogs or forum posts helps me get my motivation back. :) There are a lot of great people on here!

    - add me as a friend. :) I don't "stalk" MFP enough to really look at everyone's diaries every day, but I'm more than happy to offer what motivation and encouragement I can, and I AM on every day (70+ days and counting :P )

    Good luck! Just remember this is for the long-term, so it's expected to plateau every now and then.

    P.S. My invite to "friend" me goes out to anyone in this situation! :) I"m not looking to expand my friends list just for the sake of having a bunch of "Friends", but I"m happy to support anyone I can who wants actual support. :P
  • momma_roo
    momma_roo Posts: 146 Member
    Thanks so much everyone for the great advise and motivation. I just called the YMCA and made an appointment for an orientation to the wellness center. I have been putting it off for a month now. I think it will help to change it up a bit and do some strength training on top of the cardio. I'm also going to put new music on my MP3 player so I can step up the pace a bit on my regular old walk. I want to loose 1.5 lbs by my next weigh in which was my norm before I hit this wall. Thanks again for the support!