A medium banana has 27g of carbs???



  • SueN113
    SueN113 Posts: 46
    I love bananas... I used to eat 1 or 2 a day. Unfortunately they are probably the least healthy fruit in terms of sugars/carbs. I used to have a personal trainer that always preached to me that if I was going to eat a banana, eat a small one and ONLY post-workout. I no longer eat them daily, maybe once or twice a week and only blended in a protein smoothie and only half of a banana.

    If you really want it, don't deprive yourself--my advice: just have half, you can wrap the rest in foil and keep it in the fridge. Try mixing it in a protein drink or some greek yogurt so you still get that banana taste but also add some additional filling health benefits!

    Love bananas, but think they are evil and counter-productive to weight loss! (I hope I'm wrong)

    my p.t. always used to tell me to eat one about an hour before work out as it would give me energy to work out

    ...which suggests that everyone, even those "oh so fit personal trainers" have differing views of them! It's so hard to know what choices are correct!

    Oh so true!

  • My dietician specifically said that you need to balance your carb intake because your body only uses so many per day. I don't mean that carbs turn into weight gain, just that over time unused carbs will turn into sugar, whether they came from a healthy source or not.

    With all due respect, I would suggest finding a new dietician. All carbohydrates are sugars, regardless of how many you ingest.

    Edit: So, in regards to weight loss, there is no "limit" to how many carbs you should/can ingest. Carbohydrates are however not a NEEDED nutrient. Protein and fats however are. It all comes down to how many CALORIES you are consuming that will determine weight loss.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Unless your trying for low carb, I'd eat it anyways. But that's just me. I figure its good for you, so whats the harm. ;)
  • MrsWibbly
    MrsWibbly Posts: 415 Member
    Are you eating back your exercise calories? That entitles you to extra carbs so do a good workout and eat a banana!!
  • BeckyKSmith
    BeckyKSmith Posts: 212 Member
    I ONLY add those to my protein shakes before or after a big workout....they are not worth the calories and sugar on a low calorie rest day.
  • blisterpeanuts
    blisterpeanuts Posts: 67 Member
    I love banananas. It must be my monkey ancestors.

    I love the high potassium content, which counteracts the sodium in my diet, and they also aid my digestion.

    They taste great, too. I figure, if a medium bandana is about 100 cals, I can do a vigorous 30 minute midday walk to pay for one.

    A day without panamas is like a day without sunshine, and we have precious little of that in Boston!
  • tusher2011
    tusher2011 Posts: 201 Member
    Thanks everyone....so many differing views:) I ended up eating some unsalted soy nuts and drank a ton of water instead of the banana. I am not a big banana fan, was only going to eat it since it's supposed to be good for you...but I really want to watch my carbs for now and see what happens. Maybe I will eventually add it in my diet, but only 1/2 of it like someone mentioned.

    I am actually stuffed eating those 1/4 cup soy nuts!
  • CraftyGirl4
    CraftyGirl4 Posts: 571 Member
    If you are really watching your carbs, bananas are a bad choice. However, bananas have a lot of important vitamins and minerals. They also have fiber and are 100% natural. I eat them all the time. They are a much better choice than chips, crackers, cookies (I assume you didn't intend to eat any of those things in place of the banana, since you are concerned about carbs, I'm just making a point). Unless there is a reason you shouldn't have carbs, feel free to eat the banana and other fruit.

    I agree. Don't hate on the banana for having carbs. There are a lot of fantastic reasons to eat a banana. If you want to switch to a lower GI (glycemic index) fruit, try cherries, plums, graprefruit, coconut.... Bananas are medium.
  • I really don't understand people who do low fat diets and count calories but ignore carb intake. Carbs are dangerous because they cause your body to store fat. In other words, if you plan on consuming more than 50 carbs per day, it's likely that you'll either cut fat out of your diet almost completely(which will make your meals extremely unappealing), or gain weight. A low carb/0 sugar/ketone diet makes it to where you can eat all the fatty, meaty foods you want, and lose weight a lot faster than with pretty much any other kind of diet, while staying healthy(even if you're not exercising). All you have to do is keep your carbs under 20 per day. How much easier could it be? And you don't even have to count calories(because the diet controls them for you). Yeah, stay the hell away from bananas unless you're not wanting to lose weight. There are other, more healthy sources of vitamin C, potassium and fiber. Supplements are also a very good option.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I have come to advocate for bananas:

    1) They're portable and come with their own biodegradable packaging
    2) They're cheap and readily available
    3) They're nutritious- the sugar content comes with valuable vitamins and minerals
    4) They're great recovery food after a workout (when you may need sugar anyway)
    5) They're delicious

    My case rests.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I really don't understand people who do low fat diets and count calories but ignore carb intake. Carbs are dangerous because they cause your body to store fat. In other words, if you plan on consuming more than 50 carbs per day, it's likely that you'll either cut fat out of your diet almost completely(which will make your meals extremely unappealing), or gain weight. A low carb/0 sugar/ketone diet makes it to where you can eat all the fatty, meaty foods you want, and lose weight a lot faster than with pretty much any other kind of diet, while staying healthy(even if you're not exercising). All you have to do is keep your carbs under 20 per day. How much easier could it be? And you don't even have to count calories(because the diet controls them for you). Yeah, stay the hell away from bananas unless you're not wanting to lose weight. There are other, more healthy sources of vitamin C, potassium and fiber. Supplements are also a very good option.

    Pretty much none of this is true.
    Strong first post.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    I really don't understand people who do low fat diets and count calories but ignore carb intake. Carbs are dangerous because they cause your body to store fat. In other words, if you plan on consuming more than 50 carbs per day, it's likely that you'll either cut fat out of your diet almost completely(which will make your meals extremely unappealing), or gain weight. A low carb/0 sugar/ketone diet makes it to where you can eat all the fatty, meaty foods you want, and lose weight a lot faster than with pretty much any other kind of diet, while staying healthy(even if you're not exercising). All you have to do is keep your carbs under 20 per day. How much easier could it be? And you don't even have to count calories(because the diet controls them for you). Yeah, stay the hell away from bananas unless you're not wanting to lose weight. There are other, more healthy sources of vitamin C, potassium and fiber. Supplements are also a very good option.

    Pretty much none of this is true.
    Strong first post.

    It also resurrected a 2 1/2 year old thread. For the record, I didn't get fat eating bananas, so I don't worry too much about the macros. That may change as I get closer to goal, but for now, it works for me.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I really don't understand people who do low fat diets and count calories but ignore carb intake. Carbs are dangerous because they cause your body to store fat. In other words, if you plan on consuming more than 50 carbs per day, it's likely that you'll either cut fat out of your diet almost completely(which will make your meals extremely unappealing), or gain weight. A low carb/0 sugar/ketone diet makes it to where you can eat all the fatty, meaty foods you want, and lose weight a lot faster than with pretty much any other kind of diet, while staying healthy(even if you're not exercising). All you have to do is keep your carbs under 20 per day. How much easier could it be? And you don't even have to count calories(because the diet controls them for you). Yeah, stay the hell away from bananas unless you're not wanting to lose weight. There are other, more healthy sources of vitamin C, potassium and fiber. Supplements are also a very good option.

    Pretty much none of this is true.
    Strong first post.

    It also resurrected a 2 1/2 year old thread. For the record, I didn't get fat eating bananas, so I don't worry too much about the macros. That may change as I get closer to goal, but for now, it works for me.

    Lol, d'oh. I always miss the dates on these zombie threads.
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    I eat one almost every day. And a sweet potato. It's good stuff.
  • dtimedwards
    dtimedwards Posts: 319 Member
    I have come to advocate for bananas:

    1) They're portable and come with their own biodegradable packaging
    2) They're cheap and readily available
    3) They're nutritious- the sugar content comes with valuable vitamins and minerals
    4) They're great recovery food after a workout (when you may need sugar anyway)
    5) They're delicious

    My case rests.

    and Potassium. Especially if you have issues with leg cramping.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,144 Member
    Yes a very scary thought right?

  • Mainebikerchick
    Mainebikerchick Posts: 1,573 Member
    I personally don't pay as much attention to the carbs in fruits and try to limit my starches and breads.

    I eat 1-2 bananas daily, especially when I work out.

    To each his own, think, If it fits into your macros, go for it!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I thought it was ironic that the ad at the bottom said "5 foods never to eat" and pointed to a banana.

    I don't believe them.

    Fruit is good. Eat it. Fit it into your cal/macro targets. Don't worry about sugar unless you are diabetic.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I really don't understand people who do low fat diets and count calories but ignore carb intake. Carbs are dangerous because they cause your body to store fat. In other words, if you plan on consuming more than 50 carbs per day, it's likely that you'll either cut fat out of your diet almost completely(which will make your meals extremely unappealing), or gain weight. A low carb/0 sugar/ketone diet makes it to where you can eat all the fatty, meaty foods you want, and lose weight a lot faster than with pretty much any other kind of diet, while staying healthy(even if you're not exercising). All you have to do is keep your carbs under 20 per day. How much easier could it be? And you don't even have to count calories(because the diet controls them for you). Yeah, stay the hell away from bananas unless you're not wanting to lose weight. There are other, more healthy sources of vitamin C, potassium and fiber. Supplements are also a very good option.

    are you a person?
  • dtimedwards
    dtimedwards Posts: 319 Member
    are you a person?