AKAnderson785 Posts: 41
edited September 28 in Fitness and Exercise
I had my first boot camp session last night and OMG!!! I can tell you this much, if I do THAT every day, there is no way I WON'T lose weight! Which is good, but my Lord, was it exhausting...

I had my evaluation last night and so my starting weight is 150 lbs, body fat percentage 23.3%
I'd like to get down to about 138 with a body fat percentage of just under 20%.

I was a collegiate athlete (soccer), so what I'm aiming for is athleticism, not necessarily skinny.
I'm 5'7 so I feel to drop under 135 is a bit extreme. Am I wrong? If I can drop more than 15 I without sending my body into shock, by all means, I'd like to but like I said, I have an athletic build and I've never been under 135 in my adult life. Is it possible/healthy?

Anyway, this is what bootcamp had in store for ME last night!

30 sec wall squats
30 sec jumping jacks
30 sec boxer dip/lunges (start wtih feet together at one side, step far out to the side and dip/lunge your body down like you're ducking under something and stand up on the other side)
30 sec high knees

Session: FOUR REPS
400 meter jog/walk
30 lunges
15 jump outs (start standing, bend over and place hands on the floor outside feet, jump out into push up position, jump back and rise)
10 frog leaps (wide stance with feet pointed out, squat down slightly and leap off the balls of your feet, landing soft and returning to squat position)

Push up (I did them on my knees)
Get off one hand and then the other
raise knees to chest (sort of in a running matter) to an eight count.


This was a 45 minutes work out so it was CONSTANT and it kicked my butt! I'm excited to see what tonight has in store, I hope it's arms or abs because my legs are jjeeelllooooo!!


  • baldzach
    baldzach Posts: 1,841 Member
    Sounds to me like you have a very reasonable and healthy goal. Good luck!

    And that workout looks like a lot of fun! I'm going to have to give that one a try! :)
  • USAFwifey12
    USAFwifey12 Posts: 373 Member
    I'd love to do a boot camp, I've been looking into one. Sounds super intense, but a great workout for sure.

    As far as the weight, I think a goal of 135 is perfect. Like you, I played soccer and don't ever remember being under 135 (although I'm only 5'3") even at my fittest. Sounds like you're more focused on the BF% anyway which is a much better indicator, especially if you're looking for a toned, athletic build. If you manage to drop below 135 then just take that as a bonus but I'd base your results on BF and inches for sure.
  • Flyntiggr
    Flyntiggr Posts: 898 Member
    My trainer started a boot camp back at the beginning of May, and all I can say is OMG! I generally burn over 600 cals in the hour, and love the group aspect! It has been a great way to change up my workouts....
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