SandersWifey Posts: 387
edited September 28 in Fitness and Exercise
On day 2 of 30DS and just need to vent!! Love the workout! Just hate the push-ups!!! I have to do girl ones...grrrr.... and it's so hard!! :explode:


  • Xaspar
    Xaspar Posts: 726 Member
    So long as you keep doing them ... I still do 'girl' pushups but I do them better than I did before !!!!
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Just keep doing them! They'll get easier over time, and then you'll love them. :)
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Honestly, I don't really like them either. But what a pump!
  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
    They will get easier trust me. I kinda hate them too but the slow ones. I do ChaLean and she make you go down and up on a 8 count (really slow) those are hard usually can only do a few regular and then rest in mod position. But getting to do more than before so hang in there!
  • helloburger
    helloburger Posts: 243 Member
    I found that I did "girl ones" for ages, literally done them until I could do 20 ( also it doesnt matter what type you are doing as long as you have the correct pose, as there is nothing worse that trying to do a proper one and not doing it properly at all) Then one day I just found that I could do one! it was like something just literally changed over night! Now I am able to do 10 in one go! Keep at it, it will be the same for you! You will literally find that your just able to do them!
  • ninaws
    ninaws Posts: 42 Member
    For those who say it gets easier .. how soon does that happen? When did you start to notice? I am doing girl push-ups and, honestly, I can hardly even do that! I barely go down; I can't imagine the day when I will be able to go almost all the way down to the floor and then back up again!

    Damn me and my little noodle arms...
  • michelleion
    michelleion Posts: 122 Member
    I hate them too, I swear my arms are soo weak, but I am getting better I think, I can do more girl push ups than I used to! The walking push ups in level 2 of the 30DS are pretty impossible for me at the mo but I'm trying my best!
  • Septembergirl23
    Septembergirl23 Posts: 106 Member
    I do okay doing girl push ups at my own pace. I don't do well doing them at a slooooow pace though. I think I need the momentum of doing them faster to get them done!
  • helloburger
    helloburger Posts: 243 Member
    Hi, Well first of all I started off by standing by the window, placing my hands on the window seal, and move your legs back about half a meter, meter away. and just lean forward like your doing a push up. Go all the way down and push your self back. Keep going till your arms are burning, once that gets easy (like another day week whatever) move to the stair. stand at the bottom and then pick a step and do push ups on them, then each day move down a step so your slowly getting closer to the floor (more parallel) then eventually you should be on the last step and then you can move to the floor and should be used to going down low to the floor....

    you could also stick to doing push ups on your knees and make sure you go down really low... but what I did was using the steps, and do as many as I could every day.... also every day try and do one "proper" push up. even if your not going down that far just try :)

    sorry for the essay! hope it makes sense!
  • innerspiraling
    innerspiraling Posts: 20 Member
    AGREED! Actually, I have sort of a love-hate relationship with them. I'm doing Ripped in 30, and the Week 2 could be re-named "Do Everything in Plank Pose". My shoulders are my absolute weakest area and I know I need to work them, but I really can't make it through everything even with the modifications and girlie pushup-on-the-knees styling. Bring back the endless squats, I say - my legs can take it!
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    For those who say it gets easier .. how soon does that happen? When did you start to notice? I am doing girl push-ups and, honestly, I can hardly even do that! I barely go down; I can't imagine the day when I will be able to go almost all the way down to the floor and then back up again!

    Damn me and my little noodle arms...

    It took me from January until now...well I didn't even try last month so I don't know exactly when my arms finally gave me the green light to do them. But in Jan I couldn't do none...my arms wouldn't even bend a little to lower myself. Now I can do 7 standards push-ups!! I am so PUMPED about it.

    Just keep at it. Your upper body strength will get stronger. I can attest to it. I am doing ChaLean Extreme and she makes you drop to the floor just like Ms. Michaels.
  • percussionbeat
    percussionbeat Posts: 85 Member
    I'm doing the hundred pushups challenge now and I swear it's the hardest..Been doing girl pushups okay but once I started doing male-style pushups my arms just screamed the first time and I couldn't even type properly the next day, they were aching SO much.

    But it's been only a week and already I feel my arms getting stronger!! Not kidding..haha my bf even mentioned he noticed biceps on me, which on skinny arms must look kind of weird.

    Hang in there and just do them a little at a time..start with girl pushups first..the strength will build up along the way!
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    I used to be you! I hated push-ups and couldn't manage to eek out one decent men's push up. The 30 DS helped get me on my way and now doing body pump classes, I am up to where I can do 25 men push ups straight. Started out with girls and then tried men's adding more and more before dropping to girls. As your strength increases, you will be able to do them. I don't love them but am glad that I am now able to do them. You can do it! Keep up the good work...it does get easier. I now do a 150 push up challenge on my off gym days. doing sets of 20 through out the day and 25 if I can get the arms to cooperate...lol.
  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
    I totaly agree with her but also I would like to recommend. When doing push ups attempt to do at least a few the regular way even if its only 1 that you can do that way then move into the modified ones and continue there till you complete your set this helps you build up quicker to do them.
    For those who say it gets easier .. how soon does that happen? When did you start to notice? I am doing girl push-ups and, honestly, I can hardly even do that! I barely go down; I can't imagine the day when I will be able to go almost all the way down to the floor and then back up again!

    Damn me and my little noodle arms...

    It took me from January until now...well I didn't even try last month so I don't know exactly when my arms finally gave me the green light to do them. But in Jan I couldn't do none...my arms wouldn't even bend a little to lower myself. Now I can do 7 standards push-ups!! I am so PUMPED about it.

    Just keep at it. Your upper body strength will get stronger. I can attest to it. I am doing ChaLean Extreme and she makes you drop to the floor just like Ms. Michaels.
  • Noonoo757
    Noonoo757 Posts: 280 Member
    hang in there i promise they get easier before you know it you will be doing the standard pushups and pushing out like 30-40 just stay in there nothing wrong with girl pushups everything counts
  • Jenscan
    Jenscan Posts: 694 Member
    I hate them too, with a deep passion that will not ebb. :) I feel your pain. My upper body strength sucks - but I'm going to try to improve that. Hang in there with me and we'll hate them together until we can do them!
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    I can finally do 7 toe pushups. It has taken me a long time to get that far.

    When I'm going to 30 DS, I can barely do 1 toe pushup and I do all my pushups on my knees. I'm not sure whether it's my state of mind or my arms are fatigued by warming up or other exercises. If I just tried to do them now- I would rock. Same with Rockstar Jumps (level 3).

    Keep on keeping on :)

    Here's another example of the stregth you will build. I went to a Pilates class and was totally embarassed because I was the person who couldn't hold a plank, do side planks, etc. I didn't go back because of my embarassment. After completing the 30DS, I went back and rocked that class. I couldn't tell a difference while doing the dvds, but going back to another exercise opened my eyes.

    Keep up the good work! :)
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    I don't do this program but I have been doing P90X (which includes bazillions of pushups in a variety of forms!) When I started I could only do a few on my knees. Yesterday I did 30 on my toes (and I did 25-30 of all the other varieties too). If you keep at it you WILL see progress and while you may never love them, you will beat them! P90X has you write down all your stuff so I could look back and see where I started. If your program doesn't have you do that I suggest you write them down anyway. It's a great motivator to see your progress!
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