Xenical/Orlistat/Alli - Would you or wouldn't you?



  • Honey1990
    I would recommend not useing them. I took Alli about four years ago and lost 30 lbs in 2 months and was very happy with it. and then last year was in and out of the doctors office for about three months because of a constant pain in my lower abdomen ( it was so bad that i couldnt walk and was out of work for a while) turns out that it was from the alli. it had affected the way my kidneys and liver function and i ended up with kidney stones and i just turned 21 and i have to watch my alcohol intake very seriously or i could end up back in the hospital. Its not worth the risks.
  • beckyboooo87
    i tryed xenical round a year ago, with very little weightloss, i was really dissapointed, although my mother inlaw lost round a stone onit, but she loses weight easily anyway.. you wont get any bad side effects on it if you eat right..
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Most of those pills DO help you lose weight, but do they help you keep it off? Not so much. I strongly believe that if you want to keep the weight off, whatever you do to lose the weight needs to be sustainable and something you are willing to do for the rest of your life - you know, like a permanent lifestyle change.

    I don't think you're going to be taking those pills for the rest of your life. What happens when you get off the pills? Will you end up like my sister-in-law and my mother-in-law, who both lost a ton of weight but put it all back on (and then some) when they stopped the meds? I guess diet pills could be helpful to "jump start" a loss if you are also re-training your brain to healthy new habits, but if it's just a crutch or it ends up being the centerpiece of your plan, you're probably gonna fall down when it's taken away. It's a temporary fix - do you want your results to be temporary, too?