1200 calorie diet since May 9/ 2pd weightloss-WASSSUP!!



  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    Great advice!! I'm just about 5foot and hard as I try, I just cannot lose more than .5 lb a week. I noticed from your profile that you are petite as well and don't have much to lose. A 2lb a week weightloss is phenominal!! I'd be open to any suggestions you have as to what works for you. I've decided to change my workout to weightlifting and HIIT (from long distance running/walking). I'm only on my second week, so I'm not seeing results yet. I will take your advice on switching up my meal portions (most cals in the am etc...). Any more advice would be appreciated, thanks!! :happy:

    I would be happy to take a look... and you are more than welcome to friend me if you want to look through my food journal. I'm 5'2" and 43 years old. I'm down 30 lbs since January 2010 with only about 5 more lbs to go until I reach the goal I set for myself. I've managed to lose the last 12 lbs by doing very little exercise due to old sport's related injuries that flared up recently. The key to my success has really been an easy change in how I break down my meals every day. :)
  • jacquejl
    jacquejl Posts: 193 Member
    I'll be sending a friend request, thanks!!. My diet needs an overhaul! And I'm sure you'll set a good example =). In turn, I'll do my best to start posting on evenings and weekends. Btw, great job on the consistent weight loss. It's impressive :smile: