HELP! Kinda long (stats included) Trainers Esp. HELP!

Okay- my diary is public. It's not the greatest as far as quality of food, I get that and it's going to change.

My questions is, am I eating enough? I don't know. I'm going to list my stats along with my resistance and cardio routine.

Help me- I've gone up in lbs and BF% in 6 weeks yet lost some inches.

Ht: 5'9"
Wt: 197lbs (no change since 4-29)
BF: 45% (44% on 4-29)
Visceral Fat: 7 (which my trainer says is excellent)

Arm- 13 1/2
Chest:39 1/2 (down 1")
Hips: 43
Thigh: 28 (down 1/4")
Calf:16 (down 1/2")

Everyday: 2x elliptical 15 min. mile resistance on 5
100 x60lb ab crunch machine

Non Train days: 3x 1min planks

Train days: (everything is 2 sets, 15reps)
Chest Press: 40-55lb
Shoulder Press: 25-30lb
Seated Row: 65-70lb
Seated Dip: 70-80lb
Lat Pull: 60-70lb
Back Extens: 55-70lb
Bicep Curl: 25-35lb
**Leg Weight is low due to lateral release in Oct.**
Leg Ext: 25lb
Leg Curl: 30-40lb
Hip Adduct: 60-70lb
Leg Press: 100-125lb

Battling Ropes: 4:00min sprint (doubles, sides, singles)

My trainer today said I'm going to have to play around with my diet. I'm the strongest female client he has its now time to look like I am.

I am at a loss- I've been working so hard for 6 weeks!! MFP has me at 1250 calories to start and I estimate around 500 cal burn on most workout days. so I try to eat around 1700-1800 a day (even if I have bad stuff).

I'm looking for some advice as well as professional opinon on what to do to start "seeing" a change.

I'm so frustrated and sad. I just can't believe this. I'm working so hard!!:sad: :cry: :frown: :explode: :angry: :mad:


  • hillview2
    hillview2 Posts: 212 Member
    Hi, I am not a trainer. I looked at your diary and I'd track sugar and sodium (you can customize this). I would see about reducing processed food and eating more "whole" food or packages that have <5 ingredients. I recently started to do this and have seen pretty good results. I hope you will get other good feedback as I am new too. Good luck you sound like you are in amazing shape!

    ETA are you doing 15 mins of cardio a day -- if you are not doing more than that I'd add cardio big time. My trainer wants to see 300 mins of cardio a week for weight loss in addition to 180 mins of bootcamp a week.
  • robertf57
    robertf57 Posts: 560 Member
    I would invest in a HRM to track actual burn during your aerobic activity and I would not credit your strength training with significant burn. I would also MEASURE everything that passes your lips to be sure of your actually caloric intake. Despite all the pronouncements to the contrary, the laws of thermodynamics are correct: In the end over the long term it is calories in vs calories out. You are consuming more calories than your are burning. Either you are under estimating calories you take in or over estimating what your burn OR quite possibly both.

    Good luck.
  • lennykat
    lennykat Posts: 89
    No I'm doing cardio 30 minutes a day. 15:00 mile on the elliptical twice with a 5 resistance.
  • hillview2
    hillview2 Posts: 212 Member
    Personally I saw great results with a HRM and doubling my cardio and eating less carbs more protein and minimal sugar. I try to get at least 60 mins in a day with one day off a week so I am aiming for 360 minutes of cardio a week.

    Again I am not a trainer. Good luck you sound like you are in great shape wrt strength!

    ETA I think you may be eating too many calories back. Just a guess but I went back over my past week and on average left over 500 calories on the table so to speak. I was burning between 500 and 900 calories a day but eating < half of them back I lost 3 lbs (excessive I know and I am trying to eat a little more).