not really a fan of water...

it's not that i don't know water is extremely important to me or that i NEED to drink's more the fact that there are so many things that taste, sweet tea, sodas, get the drift. not that those things are necessarily bad for you, i know that pure water is just so good for you. how would you suggest a nonwater drinker gets in the habit of drinking water...or how do you make water more appealing?


  • ashfuse
    ashfuse Posts: 224 Member
    Go to wal-mart..look for the true value "on the go" packets..find the ones that say surgar free, low cal (roughly 5 calories or 0 calories per pack) can have those unlimited. Also, you can buy that flavored soda water by the bottled water in the store..those are 0 cal, 0 sugar, 0 sodium..0 can drink that in place of water if you wish to. :) I also add lemon juice to my water--I enjoy that.
  • ashfuse
    ashfuse Posts: 224 Member
    Go to wal-mart..look for the true value "on the go" packets..find the ones that say sugar free, low cal (roughly 5 calories or 0 calories per pack) can have those unlimited. Also, you can buy that flavored soda water by the bottled water in the store..those are 0 cal, 0 sugar, 0 sodium..0 can drink that in place of water if you wish to. :) I also add lemon juice to my water--I enjoy that.
  • dawnrenee567
    dawnrenee567 Posts: 292 Member
    I find that I drink more when it's in a cup with a straw and has ice in it.
    I've 'quit' the on the go packets, as the artificial ingredients were no friend of mine with weight loss and feeling better. But maybe start with them, and then slowly reduce? You could also add orange, lemon or lime slices to add a little flavor. Cucumber is good too.
  • Ellenv
    Ellenv Posts: 6
    You may like Arizona's Brewed Tea (may only come in the BIG gallon container) - no sugar added, no artifical sweeteners, it has a nice flavor, add some
  • ckncj
    ckncj Posts: 183 Member
    Put your knowledge into action. You know it's good for you & necessary. Reward yourself with the "better tasting" beverages.

    I drink water at room temperature - I am able to drink a lot more at once.

    Also, I found that once I eliminated soda (even diet) that water was as bad as I had previously dreaded it. I stick to coffee in the morning and water the rest of the time. For a treat, I have Propel ZERO.
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    I don't really like water either... but here's what I do - I have a 1litre bottle at home and a 1litre bottle at work. Each morning I fill the home one to take to the gym, then in the car on the drive to work. I fill the work one when I get there. Every time I see someone else having a drink of water, I pick up my bottle and guzzle while I'm counting to 5. You'd be surprised how quickly that litre disappears! And seeing as it's recommended to drink 2litres a day, I find that I'm getting enough from that. I still have a can of Pepsi Max at lunchtime though - can't seem to break that habit...

    I've also heard to have a glass (250ml) of water before and after your 3 main meals, and then you only need to have 2 glasses at other points in the day. The water fills you up so you're not so hungry as well so that's gotta be a good thing!
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    My personal fav is to crush a few leaves off a mint plant add ice and a straw like your are drinking a mojito. other natural flavorings I like are cucumber, ginger, lemon, lime, even a capful of Braggs apple cider vinegar.
  • tncmom
    tncmom Posts: 79
    I've been relying on MetroMint mint water lately. It has no calories but is refreshingly minty. It comes in spearmint, peppermint, orange mint, lemon mint, chocolate mint and goodberry mint.