weight loss help

I am back on myfitnesspal. I thought I could lose this weight on my own, but I was so wrong. Need all the diet and exercise tips I can get. It wasn't until recently I found out just how big I really was, I new I had gained weight, but when I saw the photo of my self, I bout cryed I have never been this big in my life. Any motivation and support is greatly welcomed. Thank you.


  • princesslmc2
    princesslmc2 Posts: 264 Member
    Been there, done that!!! When I got on the scale on May 1, 2010.... I too cried at how much weight I had gained!! I knew I put on a little weight, but I didn't really change sizes, so I didn't realize how much!! Here I was at a whomping 242 pounds!!

    That's the same day I hit PLAY on my first P90X workout... and I bawled the ENTIRE TIME!!

    But day-by-day, I learned more through MFP... I started making better food choices... KEPT pushing PLAY 4-6x/week. It's been a tough road, but I have seen amazing results. We are currently 44 pounds down, 16% body fat down, and over 60 inches down.... in 13 months.

    It's all about the LIFESTYLE change. I still allow myself to enjoy my indulgences, but in smaller portions and less frequently.

    You GOT THIS!!!!! And of course, we're here to support you along your journey. :)
  • lanenalatina
    lanenalatina Posts: 239 Member
    Hey wellcome aboard, feel free to add me everyone here need to motivate one another and I will be on top of you b/c I know how easy it is to gain weight but what a big deal to loose the wait, I haven't been able to loose much myself but everyday I woke up and think possitive and think is a new day and I can do this. I basically have been trying very hard to watch what I eat, I try to eat alot of good stuff and healthy now that is hot I by alot of fruit cut it up and make fruit salads and eat alot of them. I drink alot of water too and try my harderst to exercises as much as possible but when I can't I try to eat healthy and stay on my calories. So if I can do it so can u so chin up and lets work together. Good luck :flowerforyou:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Dinob661
    Dinob661 Posts: 251 Member
    I am right there with you. I had a couple wake up calls that made me realize i need to lose weight. But the important thing is we are here now and we are doing it. And when your losing the weight don't ever get down on yourself that you might feel your not losing the weight fast enough.

    The motto I have come up with that is really helping me is: "It took 23 years to make me like this, its going to take some time to get to where I want to be."
  • mikesovoygirl
    I'm glad that you decided to come back, and realizing that you can't do it alone is the first step. I've only been on this site for 15 days and the friends that I have made and the confidence and motivation that they give me is amazing. And I to do the same, I offer support, encouragement, inspiration and motivation. Feel free to add me as a friend and lets get go thru this journey together.
  • LaurieBLouise
    LaurieBLouise Posts: 48 Member
    First of all, you need to not be so hard on yourself. Try to view that picture as a positive thing. You were able to look at yourself and realize you deserve a better "you." Now, move forward. No need to dwell!

    How are your snacking habits? I realized when I was gaining weight that snacking was my biggest downfall. A couple chips here, a piece of candy there, a can of soda, and next thing you know, you're up a couple hundred calories! Logging what you eat is extremely helpful. No one wants to write "4 chips" in their log! And no one wants to lie to themselves and "forget" to write down every morsel that passes your lips!

    How are you with exercising? Consult your physician first, but even a 20 minute walk is far better than nothing at all. Start off slow and work your way up to a fitness goal. Want to be able to run a 5K (3.1 miles)? Don't try to do it all at once, trust me. You'll give up faster than you can say "5K." Having a fitness goal keeps you motivated to do a little something every day. Next thing you know, you'll be craving your workouts. I'm injured now and HATE being away from my gym!

    Portion control is also key. Research what portion sizes really are. Nutrition labels always have a serving size. You are probably exceeding serving sizes, because hey, who doesn't? For instance, one serving of meat is the size of a deck of cards. When grocery shopping, make sure to stay on the outside walls of the market. There you will find the unprocessed, healthy foods that your body craves. The further inward you go, the more processed, salty, and just plain unhealthy you get.

    I hope this helps you. I'm trying to shed a few pounds myself and should start to take my own advice. Take care!
  • guyana29
    guyana29 Posts: 1 Member
    you can do it, june of 2010 i started a new relationship and i never get on the scale because i have always been 145 pounds
    jan 2011 i went to the doctor i was told i was 178 i couldnt believe what i was hearing so i started this program and i doing good
    and i try not to go over my fats...:glasses: :flowerforyou:
  • smrtcar
    smrtcar Posts: 104 Member
    Welcome back on the wagon. Take one day at a time. Start slow and easy, but be sure to start. Don't stop. Keep making progress. If you're not doing anything to help your situation, you're allowing it to start falling apart. Set milestones and celebrate when you get to them. Be prepared for some setbacks, they're normal. Dust yourself off and resume where you left off.
  • abbyholm
    abbyholm Posts: 12
    That moment of realization can be one of the worst moments of your life. But the good news is that it's over and now you're in the moment of motivation and time to achieve so that you never have to have one of those realizations again.

    There's a thousand and one possible tips but only you can determine which are best for your lifestyle and tastes. There's two, however, that apply well to everyone.

    1.) Read Labels. Simple as that. Never eat anything before you know the calories, fat, carbs, sugars, proteins etc that it will give you. The best place to do this is the grocery store, where you have a chance to not even buy it.

    2.) Plan ahead of time. Go into the day with a rough idea of how much you'll eat, when you'll eat it, and what it will be. This is flexible of course but packing your lunch ahead of time and preparing everything in advance is a great way to help yourself stick to it.

    Other tips: Avoid alcohol, which is deceptively high in calories. Eat more plant-based foods (raw fruits and veggies, whole grains, beans) and fewer animal-based foods (dairy and meats). Obviously you still need both, but the tendency is to have way more of the latter than the former. When choosing dairy and meats make sure you're choosing the right ones- skim milk, yogurt, lean chicken and fish.

    Good luck!