What's your food budget?



  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    I just increased my budget to $150 a month for 1 adult. I try to shop sales and use a few coupons per trip.
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    I forgot - 2 cats, also.

    One of us (me) can't have gluten, the other, lactose intolerant. We eat a lot of meat, veggies, and fruit.
  • shallo
    shallo Posts: 353 Member
    My budget is $275-$300 a month for 2 adults and an 8 year old. I live in Oregon, about 40 minutes outside Portland. I don't do coupons but watch sales and don't buy name brand often, unless it is on sale for less than the store brand.
  • jmgj27
    jmgj27 Posts: 531 Member
    I spend maybe £150 - £200 a month on food and it's just me. Food is very expensive in the UK and getting more so. I shop around to try and get some decent deals and will often go to independent butchers because although the price of the meat is more expensive I can get smaller amounts which works out better for me (I don't have a freezer which is also annoying as I can't store food and it pushes my budget up). I don't buy organic but will buy fresh fruit and veg from a fruit and veg stall. In comparison with others I'd say my budget is low to average in the UK.
  • michelleisgettinfit
    I spend about $800 a month as well... 2 adults, 3 kids. But that also included household items as well... I wish I could coupon like those people on extreme couponing. Would love to buy $1000 worth of groceries for $5. :)
  • kristelpoole
    kristelpoole Posts: 440 Member
    Haha, my boyfriend and I were just talking about this. We live together and don't count dog food in our grocery bill - she has her own budget and is also pescetarian.

    We just lowered our grocery budget to $450/month. We live in Richmond, VA and mostly buy from Whole Foods, the local fish market, farmers markets and the local organic market. I'd say this also includes our monthly wine trip to Trader Joe's but we don't buy much else from there. We don't really buy meat (he eats it out occasionally but we don't keep or cook it at home) since I'm a pescetarian and we almost never coupon. The good stuff just isn't coupon material, apparently. ;) We often buy organic and we also try to buy local and/or sustainable. We don't buy junk food, soda, or processed foods for the most part, so the majority of our bill is fresh foods. I think it's moderately high compared to what others spend but it feels like a tight budget for us. We'd rather spend our money on our body's fuel and know we're healthy and happy, supporting our local economy and supporting positive environmental movements. Plus, we like to cook at home and know what we're getting as opposed to eating out too often. Our restaurant budget is $50/week, including drinks and tips.

    After all, you are what you eat. Too many people in the US don't spend enough on food, in my opinion. It makes me sad that the main thing sustaining the body isn't a top priority for a lot of families. I get tired of hearing "I can't afford it" because that's just an excuse. You make a choice to sacrifice food and instead buy your kid a gaming system or an iPhone, let's be honest.
  • Angela_MA
    Angela_MA Posts: 260
    We spend about $650-$700 a month for 2 adults and 3 boys (yes this makes a differences)! We live in the Chicago region and things cost al ittle more around here. However, my husband is in the military so we do most of our shopping at the commisary; but go to Costco or other grocery stores to get better. I do tend to think this is high because i buy foods for myself and foods for my family. Most of what i buy is a mixed bag. I do coupon and usually save the amount I would pay on a surcharge or on taxes! Rarely do I buy organic, because it costs more. Mostly I buy meat, dairy, fruits and veggies, but also snack items and things I can pack in lunches. Also, we rarely eat out, maybe once or twice a month as a family.
  • mericksmom
    mericksmom Posts: 222 Member
    I spend roughly abloout 150-175 a month on groceries
    I feed 2 adults and one growing 7 year old who can eat a whole lrg pizza in one sitting
    I am in AZ
    This is the low average but not the lowest of what I will spend
    I coupon so I can save money. If I do better on couponing I can spend maybe 20 a week on groceries if it a bad sales week with coupons it is normally about 50-100 a week
  • lynnmarie60
    lynnmarie60 Posts: 325
    We spend roughly 1200 a month for 3 adults and 6 kids, we live in the Detroit regional area of Michigan. I do coupons electronically on my kroger card only, look for sales; especially manager specials and buy in bulk if I can.

    I spent less when I wasn't watching what we consume in the house but with the fresh fruits, low fat items and careful recipes I pick for the week I spend more than I use to.
  • katt742
    katt742 Posts: 196 Member
    around 3-400 dollars a month

    Im one person...

    I live in Northeastern Ohio in one of the cities with the highest unemployment rate

    I do not coupon. I do not buy organic. I try and buy everything I can at Aldi's and Marc's and only go to Giant Eagle (waaay expensive) when I need to!

    I tend to buy health food and fresh vegetables and fruit and lots of salmon. I guess thats why I spend so much! *sigh*
  • kacarter1017
    kacarter1017 Posts: 651 Member
    I spend $700-900 a month for 5 of us- 2 adults, kids ages 17, 14, and 12. But, it seems we quite frequently have the older 2 kids over with their families, so I'm really feeding more than that.

    I coupon when convenient and for healthy items- so not very often. I don't take the time to drive to different stores to get the best deals; by the time I drive to all the stores, I've negated the cost savings! I do shop at Sam's club for some items as well as the farmer's market.

    My spending is higher than average, but I enjoy cooking and figure it's cheaper to cook nice meals at home than go out to eat.

    We eat mostly fresh fruits and veggies, with the occasional frozen. I do try to stay away from processed foods as much as possible, but do keep some microwave friendly foods around for the boys (14 and 12). Trying more and more to have teen friendly leftovers that are still easy and tasty for them.
  • lovinmamaxo
    lovinmamaxo Posts: 368 Member
    How much do you spend monthly (roughly)? About $450-$500
    How many are in your household? 4 including myself
    What region / area are you from? New England
    Do you think that's high / low / average ? Average probably low compared to some people.
    Does anything affect that total? - Buying organic, couponing, etc...
    Yes my low fat food is more expensive. We don't buy any organic though unless it's by accident.
  • eates
    eates Posts: 334 Member
    We have $500 budgeted per month for 2 adults, 2 kids & 2 dogs for our food/household. We buy some organic, shop at the commissary and buy in bulk. I coupon a bit but not excessively.
    We live on the TN/KY border. Both my boys (1 and 3) Loooooove fruit so we eat tons of fresh fruit
  • ItsLessOfMe
    ItsLessOfMe Posts: 374 Member
    How much do you spend monthly (roughly)? 600
    How many are in your household? 4 but 2 are kids
    What region / area are you from? northern california
    Do you think that's high / low / average ? I think its high
    Does anything affect that total? - We buy mostly organic
  • wildon883r
    wildon883r Posts: 429 Member
    We don't budget and we always buy in bulk whats on sale meat wise and put it in the freezer. We grow the majority of all our own vegetables in our garden and my best guestimation is we spend about 70 dollars a week on food About 10 bucks a day for two people. You can actually eat very healthy on a limited budget.
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    Anyone else from Alaska? My boyfriend and I sepnd about 150 a week shopping and that does not include a once a month Sams trip for a 100 to 150. I never realized how much more expensive things are, just as a referance, on sale, a container of strawberries is $2.50 and a gallon of milk about $3.50. What is it for you all?
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    We budget $450 a month for two adults. Our grocery bill is high (imo) b/c I'm on low carb. Meat is not cheap compared to processed carbs. We're in the Carolinas.
  • ATXJudie
    ATXJudie Posts: 67 Member
    We probably spend $500 or so a month on food. It is probably on the high side, there are just the two of us (adults). I do get all our household items at the grocery store as well...but we buy a lot of organic, have local farmhouse produce delivered to us every other week and shop at Whole Foods (and Central Market) at times. We buy steak and salmon and things like that to make at home (as opposed to going out). (We eat salmon at home at least once a week). And I love to cook, and often do so with lesser known/hard to find ingredients. We live in Austin, Texas.
  • ltlemermaid
    ltlemermaid Posts: 637 Member
    How much do you spend monthly (roughly)? it varies between 300-400 a month (this includes non food items like deterfgents, shampoos toilet paper etc)

    How many are in your household? 2 adults (the pet food has its own budget)

    What region / area are you from? Midwest/Chicagoland area

    Do you think that's high / low / average ? Compared to others/friends that live in our area I think its a lot higher. I shop once a week usually to stock up on items we have run out of and fresh produce. I also eat other healthier foods than my husband most of the time and I still have to buy things that he will eat etc, I do have a nice veggie garden in the summer so that helps with the costs then-just need to start canning to make it last longer!

    Does anything affect that total? I try to buy things in bulk when they are on sale, rarely use coupons. I shop at aldi, kroger and Trader Joes for my groceries. Its cheaper when I leave my husband at home!!