AM do you people do them!!!??



  • sweet_t2483
    sweet_t2483 Posts: 37 Member
    I haven't started working out yet, but I will begin Monday morning. I get up with my hubby at 4:45 a.m. get him off to work and I stay up til it's time for me to go to work. I usually end up cleaning something, so I will have almost 2 hours to get some sort of exercise in. We also go to bed between 8:30 - 9 p.m.

    I'm definitely a morning person.......
  • wonnder1
    wonnder1 Posts: 460
    I'm with you on that. I physically can't work out in the morning. Personally-I don't see the issue with working out at night. It works for me.

    But-in answer to your question, you have to train yourself. Start getting up 10 minutes earlier for a week. Then 20 minutes. Eventually you will be up earlier. I think a lot of it is mental block. Let's face it, if you had a job that started at 6 in the morning, you'd just do it right?
  • KayakAngel
    KayakAngel Posts: 397 Member
    I tried for years to be a morning workout person. Sure, you can train yourself to do it, but I always felt like I was fighting nature. I could maintain for a couple of months, but then I'd drop it again. This time, I gave up mornings completely and started working out after work 6pm or so, and it is working SO much better for me. I'd love to get that early morning metabolic kick and have those calories burned already, but I know that I just will not get up to do it. With evening workouts, I'm consistent, I have energy, and what's more, I'm really enjoying it. I am not as hungry at dinner so I eat less late in the day, and when I go to bed at 11 or so, I sleep much better than before. Personally, I say if you're not a morning person, why torture yourself?
  • deanadimples
    deanadimples Posts: 419 Member
    Personally, I say if you're not a morning person, why torture yourself?

    My only reason for wishing to do it would be for time. Even though I enjoy working out at night, I have lots of things going on. It would be nice to do 30DS in am so I can better fit my regular cardio at night, rather than trying to fit the 2 in. Plus...that dang 30DS ain't nothing nice, I need a break between the workouts! Jillian is kicking my fat A$%.
  • littlemissanguissette
    littlemissanguissette Posts: 248 Member
    Definitely a habit thing. I used to hate mornings...I'm still a grumpy morning person, but I live alone so only my cats have to deal with my attitude. I used to have to draaagg myself out of bed. But then I started having to wake up early for work [4am] about two years ago, and once I got into the habit of getting OUT of bed as soon as the alarm goes off, it was easier.

    I try not to press snooze, because then I tend to doze off again and then get mad when the alarm sounds again. But I try to get up and out of my room, into the kitchen, and wake myself up.

    I have to be at work around 5-6, depending on what I have to do that day, so I really don't work out first thing in the morning but I try to do it around 10 or 11am when I get home.
  • nanc94
    nanc94 Posts: 141 Member
    i like morning workouts rather than after work...had to make it a habit though....i feel drained after work and dont feel i give it all that i can.

    my gym opens at 430a ...i set my alarm to 350a and have it across the room so i cant put it on snooze by the time i get up and turn it off (after laying there about 5min) im wide awake and then cant go back to sleep....

    plus i find it easier to get a workout in early morning...cuz after work...i get caught up with household and family things (dinner/cleanup/homework/etc) and then not able to get the workout in
  • barbiex3
    barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
    I'M actually the world's worst morning person =]
    but I once read something like
    if you don't feel like working out just say
    go to the gym and do your warm up for 5 min, and if you still don't feel like working out just go back home!
    99% of the time, once you get your blood flowing you will stay!!!
    trust me; this really works.
    in the morning just say "all I gotta do it go do a quick warm up for 5min"
  • iAMaPhoenix
    iAMaPhoenix Posts: 1,038 Member
    i like morning workouts rather than after work...had to make it a habit though....i feel drained after work and dont feel i give it all that i can.

    my gym opens at 430a ...i set my alarm to 350a and have it across the room so i cant put it on snooze by the time i get up and turn it off (after laying there about 5min) im wide awake and then cant go back to sleep....

    This would be my suggestion also...Place the alarm clock away from where you can easily reach it, forcing you to get out of the bed. Once your feet hit the floor, it gets easier. Regardless, any workout is better than none, so if nights work better, just do it. Move ya body...
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    Yup, waking up early sucks and is hard some days... I also don't really get to bed early, but when I know I am going to get up early the next day I make myself go to bed! I workout in the morning usually 3 to 4 days a week, getting up at 4am. The other days I will workout in the afternoon. It just depends what is going on that day/week.