Keeping going on bad days

So how do you keep going with your diet on the days when you just feel like saying to heck with it and break all the rules?


  • khrys1
    khrys1 Posts: 444 Member
    Sometimes I just give in and start fresh the next day. Everybody needs a break!
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    Sometimes I just give in and start fresh the next day. Everybody needs a break!

    ^^Me too. But for most part it's still always in back of my mind what my goals are, what I'm wanting out of it all, or how much work I've already put in that I don't wanna just 'blow.' So even on those days I might go over a LOT, or little even, but I just try to always stick with it!
  • Jenscan
    Jenscan Posts: 694 Member
    I think about what I have to lose... gain? Lose? Anyway, I think about my goal, and if I'm still feeling like I want to go off plan, I exercise more then give myself a treat. It's not about sticking to a set list of foods or rules, it's about MAKING the plan work for YOU.
  • kate2004rock
    kate2004rock Posts: 223 Member
    ^^Me too. But for most part it's still always in back of my mind what my goals are, what I'm wanting out of it all, or how much work I've already put in that I don't wanna just 'blow.' So even on those days I might go over a LOT, or little even, but I just try to always stick with it!

    Don't let it go completely out of your mind. Just make sure to compensate for the splurge elsewhere--whether reduced calories have a dessert but not a second cocktail, or an extra 30 minutes at the gym. Then you won't have the after-guilt.
  • alexbowser
    alexbowser Posts: 322
    Find a compromise. When I'm having a crazy day and I just want to curl up with a big ice cream sundae, I have a big bowl of strawberries with a little extra whipped cream on top. I feel worse if I go off diet completely. Making little changes and compromises will help you keep going in the long term.
  • WWhitaker
    WWhitaker Posts: 309
    I'm not perfect by any means, and I find it perfectly okay to induldge, but there's also that little voice that keeps reminding me what I'm trying to achieve. With that said, if you can beat the feeling, beat it! If you just can't stop thinking about having a bingeful day, then obviously that's something that's important to you and your body, so do it. But you have to keep reminding yourself that these cravings are what you're trying to stay away from, and you'll feel so much better after having beat them.
  • peacestar84
    peacestar84 Posts: 100
    I remember the last time I took a day..which led to a week..then a month of bingeing and gaining 19 lbs back in a month an a half. I've had to start over from a heavier weight than I was before. So now when I just want to give up I remember how it is so not worth it. I start listing off all of my goals, and all the people who support me on here and in my life.
  • bluellies
    bluellies Posts: 82 Member
    When I'm having a bad day I'll hoard calories until the end, and then have some candy. That way I'm still at my cal goal, but I get to eat something that I know isn't good for me. The other week I had a whole bag of peanut M&M's, and was still under goal.

    There are times that it's really tough, especially if you're out to eat or have friends over. I just tell myself that the only thing I'm sacrificing when I go without extra food/dessert/drinks is all of the extra weight that I'm carrying around. Mind over matter, and if I want it bad enough I can push through. I think that's the reason that I'm losing fairly steadily, and have stuck to my diet for these past 5-6 weeks. It's awesome, because I no longer feel that I'm being deprived when I'm doing without, and THAT helps the most when faced with bad days.