What you are looking forward to the most from losing weight.



  • TeeBoo29
    TeeBoo29 Posts: 13
    I am looking forward to feeling comfortable in my clothes and being able to wear more stylish clothes at a lower price......
  • dd122436
    dd122436 Posts: 39
    People not asking "how far along are you?" I mean I have two kids, but they're out now!
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    I am looking forward to feeling comfortable in my clothes and being able to wear more stylish clothes at a lower price......

  • Having the strength to do what needs to be done in my life, and the knowing that I did this. No one can loose the weight but me.
  • sinclare
    sinclare Posts: 369 Member
    seeing the bone structure of my face. :smile:
  • Anataz
    Anataz Posts: 13
    Not sure if this is appropriate, but I am looking forward to being on top! =)
  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    I'm accomplishing exactly what I've been looking forward to... and that is running long distances. I'm up to 9.3 miles and counting. I've even begun to gain more speed lately, too!

    The looks part doesn't hurt, but I'm not out to impress anyone in that department. Ya either like me or ya don't. Period dot. :happy:
  • gaeljo
    gaeljo Posts: 223 Member
    Wow that question challenges me. I don't so much care about my clothes, I find it annoying to shop for them and who wants to fit into old smaller clothes, I'd rather have new ones I think. I want to feel good about myself physically but also to perform better in my sports. Also I want the self satisfaction of accomplishing something great, like completing a full marathon or a half ironman and I know i need to lose more weight in order to compete in these sports safetly without injury. I want to be able to hit my goals and the satisfaction that comes with that. I also want to be in a place where I can help others reach their goals for health and fitness. Not sure how exactly...I'm gonna meditate on this question. Why am I doing this anyway??? LOL.
  • BeautyFromWithin
    BeautyFromWithin Posts: 290 Member
    I would love to be able to wear a bikini. I've never been able to in my life! I've got a lot of toning up to do though if I want to be able to wear one in public! Maybe next summer??

    I'm also looking forward to more self confidence in myself. I know that once I gain some of that, I can boost my self esteem and actually believe MYSELF that guys would want to date me! Also, knowing that I'm going to be so healthy too is keeping me motivated!
  • Fitting into all my old clothes that have been sitting in my closet. I went threw tubs I had at my parents house. Alot of trendy band t-shirts I want to bring back!!!
  • Quierstina
    Quierstina Posts: 201 Member
    I can't wait until I no longer have chubby knees - I HATE MY KNEES! :laugh:
  • jmgj27
    jmgj27 Posts: 531 Member
    I would love to be able to wear a bikini. I've never been able to in my life! I've got a lot of toning up to do though if I want to be able to wear one in public! Maybe next summer??

    I'm also looking forward to more self confidence in myself. I know that once I gain some of that, I can boost my self esteem and actually believe MYSELF that guys would want to date me! Also, knowing that I'm going to be so healthy too is keeping me motivated!

    Ooo yes - this!

    I was going to say 'getting laid again' but this is much more eloquent! :blushing:

    And the bikini thing - I have NEVER worn a bikini. I'm now a size 12 (UK) and will wear board shorts and a bikini top (although I'm top heavy so when I'm surfing things can get, um, interesting sometimes... I can't wait to be a size 10 and go for the full bikini look - fingers crossed!
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,345 Member
    Just feeling comfrotable with ME again. :happy:
  • haeden
    haeden Posts: 183 Member
    im excited not to be photographed from the side and think "holy crap!".im excited to look at old pictures and think "im still looking good" and im excited to fit in my skinny girl jeans again!
  • pchann
    pchann Posts: 84
    Going clothes shopping and buying clothes that show my shape instead of hide it. A huge day in my life was getting rid of all the big baggy clothes that I purchased for the specific purpose of hiding my belly and man boobs.
  • Im looking forward to thinking, 'I need to put weight on' lol
  • Forensic
    Forensic Posts: 468 Member
    Being able to wear my heels longer (assuming I can even fit into them if I lose weight in my feet. :frown: )

    On a slightly *****y note: I'd like to not be the biggest of my friends... I've always been the biggest, since grade school... be nice to actually share clothes and not have them come to me when they've outgrown their jeans. :happy: Someday. :laugh:
  • I'd like to be able to bounce a quarter off my backside again!
  • rubyrenga
    rubyrenga Posts: 402 Member
    Definitely fitting into the clothes I've refused to give up even though it has been years since they've fit.

    Getting rid of the fat on my knees

    Having a flat stomach

    Looking good in a bikini

    Having nice arms

    I could go on all day!
  • Hip bones are so sexy. I want sexy hip bones.
    I don't want to be the big friend.
    And one thing that irritates me is the shaving my legs and the amount of skin to cover. I want smaller legs, quicken to shave them.
    And to be checked out by men. I love men.
    Yes, men, hip bones, smaller of the friends and shaving money on shaving cream :)
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