I CANNOT drink Water!!



  • tammydspice
    tammydspice Posts: 102
    add lemon slices, or my fave is frozen strawberries and sliced cucumber in a pitcher and drink from it during the day, refilling as needed!! Try it you may like it!!
  • wenders123
    wenders123 Posts: 338 Member
    I very rarely drink plain water, and it hasn't harmed my weight loss (40 lbs since mid jan). I drink tea with milk (milk logged), lemon and ginger tea, sugar free fruit squash diluted with plain water or soda water, and the very occasional coffee ......
  • pluggedin4good
    Try drinking 1 cup first thing in the morning. After 1 week increase it to 2. That's how I started. now I'm up to 3 cups a morning.
    Good luck.
  • Tmrice721
    Tmrice721 Posts: 86 Member
    Awwww trust me I know the feeling, drinking water is a task... try drinking with a straw if your water bottle doesn't have one and drink at least cup of water early in the morning before you eat that helps me... good luck, I know you can do it!!! Once you see what water does you won't want to stop :bigsmile:
  • DeathIsMyGift
    DeathIsMyGift Posts: 434 Member
    I was the same way at first. Now I'm drinking 100 oz a day. If you like spicy food (even if you don't) it's a great way to start. Salsa is a good example. If you can tolerate a "mild" salsa, get the medium.....and watch the water disappear.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I swear Im trying. & today only 1 16oz bottle of water. :/
    I dont feel thirsty @ all, & forcing it down makes me not want it.


    Drinking plain water does NOT do anything for your diet that drinking anyother non-alcoholic zero calorie drink won't do. I personally don't like artificial sweeteners (or aritificial anything) and for that reason I usually choose unsweetened tea. But if you don't have a problem with them there are many drinks to choose from that will keep you just as hydrated and full feeling as water will.
  • TiffanyDawn79
    TiffanyDawn79 Posts: 201 Member
    I have an app for my phone that reminds me to drink water. Sounds crazy but it really does help me track my intake better
  • hazelnutflav
    hazelnutflav Posts: 391 Member

    so how bad do you want to reach yr goal,success or failure is all in your attitude find a way to get it down we all have something we hate about loosing weight or getting healthier but what it all boils down to is getting it done, what is it that you hate about water if its the taste try putting lemon or a type of flavore to it, is it the amount of water, if you cant get down 8 cups shoot for 4, then gradually add another cup, it will get easier the more you do it.

    you can do this, we all do it, just stop your moaning and get'er done!
  • DeathIsMyGift
    DeathIsMyGift Posts: 434 Member
    I swear Im trying. & today only 1 16oz bottle of water. :/
    I dont feel thirsty @ all, & forcing it down makes me not want it.


    Drinking plain water does NOT do anything for your diet that drinking anyother non-alcoholic zero calorie drink won't do. I personally don't like artificial sweeteners (or aritificial anything) and for that reason I usually choose unsweetened tea. But if you don't have a problem with them there are many drinks to choose from that will keep you just as hydrated and full feeling as water will.

    Sorry, I have to respectfully disagree. If that were the case, MFP would have a "Tea" or "Zero Calorie Drink" consumed option on the Food Diary page. They don't, they have a "water consumed" option. Water is THE best liquid you can put into your body, period.
  • Forensic
    Forensic Posts: 468 Member
    My suggestion is to keep a large bottle/cup/thermos/whatever of water with you at all times, easily accessible. (Not in your purse or backpack, but on your desk right in front of you or beside you on the couch, whatever). I find when it's RIGHT THERE I tend to sip on it throughout the day, which is much easier than trying to chug 20 oz all at once.
  • tam8374
    tam8374 Posts: 270 Member
    In additon to Crystal Light there is MIO and all of the Lifewater, Powerade, Vitamin Water products have a Zero product.

    As long as it is decaf, non carbonated and no sugar my nutritionist said it's water.

    I use propel flavoring or buy the bottles as the store. They are 0 calories and sugar free, it says they have antioxidant vitamins C & E, but I dont' know how much.
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    Don't drink anything else. No juice, milk , coffee, tea, etc.... I break it up. One glass when I wake up. 1-2 with a snack, 1 before lunch, 1 after lunch same with evening snacks and dinner. I'm not always successful but I get much more in this way. Also my favorite thing is to add a few peppermint leaves and crush them like a mojito. Cool and refreshing. Keep at it & eventually you'll get better at it..
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    I started with Propel - now I drink real water all day long. Fuze Slenderize is good too.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I swear Im trying. & today only 1 16oz bottle of water. :/
    I dont feel thirsty @ all, & forcing it down makes me not want it.


    Drinking plain water does NOT do anything for your diet that drinking anyother non-alcoholic zero calorie drink won't do. I personally don't like artificial sweeteners (or aritificial anything) and for that reason I usually choose unsweetened tea. But if you don't have a problem with them there are many drinks to choose from that will keep you just as hydrated and full feeling as water will.

    Sorry, I have to respectfully disagree. If that were the case, MFP would have a "Tea" or "Zero Calorie Drink" consumed option on the Food Diary page. They don't, they have a "water consumed" option. Water is THE best liquid you can put into your body, period.

    From webmd: "Of course, water -- clean, refreshing, and calorie-free -- is an ideal beverage of choice but studies have shown that you can be just as hydrated with coffee, soft drinks, or even beer." http://www.webmd.com/diet/guide/wonders-of-water
  • Sprinkie09
    Sprinkie09 Posts: 40 Member
    I should add, i do try the packets of crystal lite, propel, Mio, ect..... I ALWAYS keep a water bottle handy @ work, home or car. Im NOT drinking anything else[no juice, soda,coffee-]. Just dont feel thirsty.
  • DeathIsMyGift
    DeathIsMyGift Posts: 434 Member
    I swear Im trying. & today only 1 16oz bottle of water. :/
    I dont feel thirsty @ all, & forcing it down makes me not want it.


    Drinking plain water does NOT do anything for your diet that drinking anyother non-alcoholic zero calorie drink won't do. I personally don't like artificial sweeteners (or aritificial anything) and for that reason I usually choose unsweetened tea. But if you don't have a problem with them there are many drinks to choose from that will keep you just as hydrated and full feeling as water will.

    Sorry, I have to respectfully disagree. If that were the case, MFP would have a "Tea" or "Zero Calorie Drink" consumed option on the Food Diary page. They don't, they have a "water consumed" option. Water is THE best liquid you can put into your body, period.

    From webmd: "Of course, water -- clean, refreshing, and calorie-free -- is an ideal beverage of choice but studies have shown that you can be just as hydrated with coffee, soft drinks, or even beer." http://www.webmd.com/diet/guide/wonders-of-water

    I still respectfully disagree. :bigsmile:
  • jcj87
    jcj87 Posts: 17 Member
    I swear Im trying. & today only 1 16oz bottle of water. :/
    I dont feel thirsty @ all, & forcing it down makes me not want it.


    Drinking plain water does NOT do anything for your diet that drinking anyother non-alcoholic zero calorie drink won't do. I personally don't like artificial sweeteners (or aritificial anything) and for that reason I usually choose unsweetened tea. But if you don't have a problem with them there are many drinks to choose from that will keep you just as hydrated and full feeling as water will.

    Sorry, I have to respectfully disagree. If that were the case, MFP would have a "Tea" or "Zero Calorie Drink" consumed option on the Food Diary page. They don't, they have a "water consumed" option. Water is THE best liquid you can put into your body, period.

    From webmd: "Of course, water -- clean, refreshing, and calorie-free -- is an ideal beverage of choice but studies have shown that you can be just as hydrated with coffee, soft drinks, or even beer." http://www.webmd.com/diet/guide/wonders-of-water

    It's already been linked to in this conversation, but this is an incredibly insightful article on water and just exactly what it's used for, and why the body needs it. I would highly recommend reading it. http://www.experiencelifemag.com/issues/june-2010/health-wellness/drink-to-your-health.html

    Sugar substitutes, artificial sweeteners, and caffeinated drinks do contain toxins that require water to remove from the body, so in order to obtain adequate hydration, those drinks must be accompanied by even more water.
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    I CANNOT drink Water!!

    Yes you can.
  • chelsea_thatsme
    chelsea_thatsme Posts: 138 Member
    Crystal Light really isn't the best considering that it's not water and it changes its composition...Have you tried adding lemos or oranges or something?
  • jbug100
    jbug100 Posts: 406 Member
    I'm not a water lover either, but using a camelback water bottle which has a bite valve and a straw has helped a lot. I flavor the water with propel packets (similar to crystal light) and real lemon.