I would like to talk to sombody who had same experience...

Hi everybody,
I would like to talk about one really privet thing. I wouldn't do it if I did already know somebody who had same experience as me. I started my MFP Jan 19th and in week I realized that just dieting not enough for me, I need to exercise. I have one friend who worked out with Brazil Butt lift and really recommended it for me. I tried and did like it a lot! I worked out 6 times a week exactly as on schedule for those DVDs. After 2 months I'm already worked out all cardiovascular videos with ankle weight and circuit training with 10lb each dumbbells. I did lost about 30lb in 4 months (from 153lb to 124lb). My outlook really changed and I guess my body changed inside eather... One month I missed my period, I waited few weeks for it during waiting I did run about 5 pregnancy tests, all was negative. Than I went to my doctor and she ordered me to get my blood done for pregnancy and thyroid gland. My blood was clear :) I wasn't pregnant and didn't had any other problems causing my missed period. Than my doctor told me that problem is my workouts, that I had too much of it. I'm agree I did exercised a lot. In my past I never worked out more than 3 times a week and didn't used weight more than 1lb...
So she gave me prescription for progesterone and told to reduce my exercises. But I'm really would like to keep exercising. And now I have 2 questions for every body:
1) Did anybody experienced something similar?
2) What is your suggestion for keeping me working out. Do I need to switch for YOGA or something else and how often I need to do it?


  • sandyfeet10
    sandyfeet10 Posts: 280 Member
    wow. you have a lot going on! i'm not an expert by any means and have not been through the same experience, but if you don't feel comfortable with what the doctor told you, go to a different doctor or to a nutritionist and see what they say.
  • sweetiepie31612
    sweetiepie31612 Posts: 240 Member
    Are you on birth control? When I was in high school I stopped getting my period because I was working out so much and only had 4% body fat. My doctor put me on birth control to help regulate my periods and my coach put me on an all I could eat diet. I would try increasing your calories. Peanut butter and banana milkshakes ever night is what my coach had me doing. You're body needs fat to burn or problems will arise like this one. You don't need to workout less, just eat more so your body has more fuel.
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Well, I had the opposite happen to me. I am on the Depo shot. Means I get no periods ever. When I started working out I had mine for 2 weeks straight. My doctor told me it was my body's was of adjusting to things. Was that your only missed one?
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    Common sign of over training in women.
  • Strive2BLean
    Strive2BLean Posts: 300 Member
    I have heard this does happen to women who work out too much although it has never happened to me. The excess exercise throws off hormonal balances in your body. Perhaps your are exercising with too much intensity and for too long. You should maybe cut the sessions to less time and not as strenuous. Hope all goes well for you. Take care.
  • criscros08
    criscros08 Posts: 35
    Happened to me too. One month missing, next month very light and than normal again... I started too after not doing nearly any exersice to 6 days a week. But after a while my body got used to it. My Doctor wasn-t worried because after 3 cycles everything was back to normal. Hope that helps you a little bit.... i know how you feel. Seeing great changes to your body and on the other hand worriing to harm your body...take care
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    My periods stopped about a month into Marine Corps boot camp; I was maybe 145 when I started, 138 when my periods stopped and dropped down only to a low of 131. My "fertility" returned 6 months later when I was more settled in at my unit and 142 (got pregnant first ovulation before period came back.) Honestly, there isn't that much of a difference between 142 & 138, but there was a HUGE difference in the amount of STRESS I was under between boot camp and the fleet.
  • jmgj27
    jmgj27 Posts: 531 Member
    It really seems to depend from person to person. I do a lot of exercise and recently noticed a slight change in my absolutely regular 30 day cycle. I'm still 165 so I've got plenty enough body weight to keep things normal but I suspect that as I start dropping closer to my 139 goal things might get a bit irregular. Frankly, for me, that's a godsend. Not interested in having children so it's just a monthly annoyance for me! As long as there's nothing wrong with you, I wouldn't worry too much. If you do want to get your fertility back in the future I suspect you'd need to gain a little weight to get your cycle back to normal.
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    Lack of adequate nutrition can also stop periods. I workout 2+ hours a day and lift way heavier weights (300 pound squats for example) and never had a problem with exercise stopping my periods. However, I make sure I'm eating enough to fuel those workouts. A lot of times women not only start an exercise program but may cut calories too much at the same time and that can cause a stoppage of periods. I'd recommend looking at your food intake and making sure you aren't going too low in calories first. Then if you are eating properly to fuel the workouts, I'd look at the workouts and how much you are doing.
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    I'm interested in this question, too, since I think my body fat % has dropped too much and I'm concerned about the effects (read: I think I may be in the same situation as the OP, but it's still a little early to get worried). The big difference is that my exercise levels have remained relatively constant with the many years before I went on MFP. My calories have dropped significantly, but as one can see from my profile I eat only the most nutritious food (nothing processed, no sugar, no carbs except whole grains, tons of fruit and vegetables). I was below this weight about ten years ago, with even higher exercise levels, so I'm a little baffled.

    [And a quick note to a previous poster, Tonya: I admire you for donating a kidney. That takes a lot of courage for anyone, especially an athlete, and you deserve everyone's respect.]