am i doing to much

im just so exited about my weight lost jourey and i have never felt more motivated to get myself in check with a better life with healthy eating and exercise however, im doing 30 day shred right noe, my general daily activites playing with my son and now i have come acrss the june cardio blast am i doing to much??


  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    Believe you, me! Your body will tell you when you are doing too much.

    As long as you eat a sufficient amount of calories your body will adapt...

    If you find that you are constantly tired maybe cut back a little, or eat a little more.
    If you find that your progress is not increasinga s you do the 30 day shred you might need a rest day or two.
    If you find that your muscles are ALWAYS sore and you aren't giving them a little time to recover then maybe take an extra day off.
    If you constantly start getting sick; head cold symptoms then your body needs a rest.

    But if you aren't experiencing these then you are fine!

    keep at it girl!
  • bwesser
    bwesser Posts: 61
    I don't think you're doing too much, but it all depends on how you feel and whether or not you are eating the calories that you burn. If you still feel energetic after playing with your son, doing 30 day shred, and a cardio workout, then good for you!!! Just make sure you are taking in a good amount of protein/good calories to counteract all the ones you burn.... just make sure you don't wear yourself out. I'm sure your body will be able to tell you when it's too much.

    Keep it up, I'm glad you have that amount of motivation! :)
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    NOpe. Just keep doing it.
    you're body will tell you if you're doing too much.
    Shred is only 1/2 hour a day.
    You can add more on to that. Once you're use to it of course. The first few days are brutal if you're not use to working out.
    Good luck! Keep that motivation going!
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    This is my opinion and not based on any scientific facts. Disclaimer finished! I believe the human body was made to be active. We were designed to sleep for 8 hours and be active for 16. As long as you're not trying to do all that on only your base calories, I really believe the more we move the healthier we are!
  • nads2184
    nads2184 Posts: 124
    thanks guys, just thought i was going head first in it all, i have done 30 shred before but not for 30 days straight i just encorperated in my daily routine twice a day. but this time im taking it slow and just going to, i do feel the need to just want to exercise now, but then i find i have the calories to eat which i find difficult. But it will take me some time adjusting!