Time for Me!

Turning 50 has encouraged me to turn my life around. I have always been active, athletic and a healthy eater but have always struggled with those pesky extra 25 pounds. I am a normal person and do not believe in diets. I believe in moderation as there are too many wonderful foods out there that I haven't tried yet!

I hope to find balance using this site to keep and eye on myself and what I am doing to keep my body healthy.

Add me if you wish as I think the more support one has, the more successful their endeavors!

Oh...and my first goal is to participate in a 5K!


  • hillview2
    hillview2 Posts: 212 Member
    Welcome! I just turned 40 and went through a similar thought process. You can DO it!
  • holli_walker
    holli_walker Posts: 109 Member
    good luck on your journey and the 5k :)
  • nanjane50
    nanjane50 Posts: 11
    thanks for the encouragement
  • Countrymade
    Countrymade Posts: 183 Member
    Welcome, I don't like diets either. To lose weight we have to make life style changes in order to be successful with our weight loss goals and to keep it off.
    Good luck with your journey.