Better options at Dunkin?

Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
3 mornings a week, I eat breakfast at Dunkin Donuts. I always get an egg and cheese biscuit (sometimes on flatbread instead) and a glazed donut. I was wondering what might be a better option there? (I mean, besides skipping the donut. That's kind of obvious. LOL)

Making my own breakfast those mornings has not worked out so well for me, and going without is impossible. I must eat breakfast of I can't function. The other four mornings I feel a lot more flexible, because I eat at home. I know that ideally I'd eat a great breakfast at home, or have something prepared the night before to take with me, but until I figure out how to do that, this might be a small change that will help in the meantime.



  • waverly9876
    waverly9876 Posts: 605 Member
    I used to go to DD all the time. If I am on the run or just dont feel like making breakfast, I get a protein bar. My new favorite is the chocolate deluxe from Pure Protein. It is 180 calories, high on potassium, low on sodium and 20 grams of PROTEIN!!!!
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    My local DD actually lists calories on the board that shows the combo meals. If I were you I'd look at their nutrition info online and see what fits in with your calorie goals.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    You can make some eggs the night before and eat them in the morning. Or just make a little extra time in the morning to make and eat breakfast. Skip the dunkin donuts.
  • sprinkies
    sprinkies Posts: 309 Member
    egg white on an english muffin or one of the egg white flatbread sandwiches. i think you'd be pretty OK with the ham and egg (no cheese) on an englsh muffin too, obviously though the sodium would be higher.

    you're def right about skipping the donut ;)
  • sprinkies
    sprinkies Posts: 309 Member
    ::double post::
  • blakgarnet
    blakgarnet Posts: 343
    I love the turkey sausage egg white flatbread.... although has a bit too much cheese for my taste, could always ask them to hold that.
  • blueliss26
    blueliss26 Posts: 79 Member
    yup sorry.. i can't think of anything at dunkin donuts that you would want to eat 3 times a week. How about indulging once a week? Breakfast or protein bars are quicker to grab than going through the drive thru... you could probably even eat a bowl of cereal quicker than going through the drive thru. My favorite fast breakfast is a peach greek yogurt with granola... and a banana on the side.. takes no time at all :o)
  • Catzwitch
    Catzwitch Posts: 205 Member
    I never get the food there - too pricey - but I do love me a large iced coffee with turbo shot, skim milk, and two splenda
  • VanessaFaith
    VanessaFaith Posts: 171 Member
    If I even walked into DD I think I'd gain 5 pounds! lol. But seriously, of course cut out the donut and I'd ask them if they can make you a couple eggs and even cut out the biscuit. I'm not doing a low carb diet, but my weight loss increased significantly when I stopped eating extra bread.
  • notapromqueen
    notapromqueen Posts: 63 Member
    If stopping at Dunkin is a must, many locations offer breakfast wraps. They're not huge by any means, but pairing them with a fruit or granola bar would be a decent breakfast. The wraps range from 150-200 calories. You can see Dunkin's nutritional information on their site.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    maybe fruit and cheese pre cut and put into baggies may work well for you instead of stopping there and if you do have to stop just get coffee
  • Keegansmum6
    Keegansmum6 Posts: 193 Member
    Go to their website and check out their dd smart menu lots of good options
  • mapexdrummer69
    Go to their website and check out their dd smart menu lots of good options

    Not to highjack this thread, sorry OP, but,

    My name is Keegan! Not a name I hear a lot besides mine.
  • hazelnutflav
    hazelnutflav Posts: 391 Member
    my fellow weight lost sister, forgive me i say this with love, anything you make at home is healthier than fast food, i mean lets get real how can you even walk in the door of a fast food restaurant when your trying to loose weight? and eat a donut.

    this totally goes against what your trying to do, im sorry but that makes no sense to me, you have to MAKE THE TIME and do it yourself in the mornings, no excueses i mean how bad do you want to reach your goals, your not going to reach it going to dd 3xs a week.

    im sorry but im just keeping it real think of it this way, as a mom, i know you can set a better example for your precious little ones.

    do it for them.
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    I am trying to make changes. Some of those changes will be big, some will be small. I have been at this for two weeks now (give or take) and I'm working out 40-60 minutes every single day. I've already seen losses on the scale and in inches, and I feel AWESOME.

    Now I'm tackling my diet. I haven't attempted to make any changes at all (except to cut some sugar out) until this point. Some people might want to just scrap everything and forbid themselves anything they have habitually eaten - more power to them. I've done that in the past: "Oh, from this moment on, everything I eat is going to be clean! Healthy! Yay!" and that lasts a couple weeks. I'm taking a different approach now, which is focusing on making smaller changes. In my at-home diet, I can easily make those changes. For three meals a week though, I'm being realistic about what I can expect. Feeling like small changes where I was at wasn't good enough is WHY I ENDED UP HERE. If someone encouraged me to make whatever changes I could, even if it wasn't perfect, then I would have avoided so much discouragement and giving up. I'm old enough now to know that what works for one person isn't what works for someone else. I know what I need on this journey. I am in a transition time right now, with a goal of a clean, healthy diet that provides all that my body needs. My path to that might be different than someone else's. For one thing, getting too many calories is not my problem; it was the sedentary lifestyle. Now that I'm working on that, I'm feeling like I want better fuel for my body. I'm really happy about that, and I want to make that shift. Which is why I'm here.

    I work outside the home three mornings a week, and eating right on those mornings is a hurdle for me. I appreciate the useful tips anyone can offer to help me transition to a healthier breakfast on those days. Whether that's changing what I order, or something that actually works for me for a homemade breakfast (which is of course my preference!) that would be great. Getting up earlier and making breakfast is absolutely not an option. Hearty breakfasts that can be prepared the night before and eaten on the run are something I would be interested in.

    Thanks to those who suggested the wraps, and checking out their menu online. There are lots of shifts I can make! I also talked to my husband, who has a good friend who is a healthy, clean-eating athlete, and he eats at DD occasionally -- Hubby is going to find out what choices he makes there.
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    Fruit and cheese in baggies might also work well for me. I love fruit and cheese in the mornings, and that would be super easy, and a lot cheaper than DD.
  • KatieCuth
    KatieCuth Posts: 569 Member
    boiled eggs
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    maybe fruit and cheese pre cut and put into baggies may work well for you instead of stopping there and if you do have to stop just get coffee
    This. Also at the start of the week boil a half dozen eggs.. In the morning you have a grab and go breakfast. Also when I drank coffee one of my many coffee makers was one with a timer. I set it to start perking around the time I would come out of the shower. In the morning I could pour myself a cup in a travel mug and be out the door.

    I also buy almonds in bulks and premeasure them into ziploc snack bags. I keep a few in my glove compartment for emergencies.

    Now on the rare days I have to get Dunkin or nothing (Twice since joining MFP in Jan.) I get the flatbread veggie, and only eat one piece of the bread.
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    Boiled eggs in the fridge are a good idea, although not appealing at all... yogurt with fruit would work really well, and I could definitely get on board with almonds.

    Cereal doesn't work, I've never found a cereal that makes me feel full, unless I eat two or more bowls of it. I don't love cereal.
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    Just remembered something from my bento days. Make quiche in cupcake molds. Use lowfat milk or rice/almond/hemp milk. Add spinach, onion, tomatoes., meat if that floats your boat. Sprinkle the cheese on top so you use less. Bake them in the oven at 350. You can pop one in the microwave to heat up or eat it cold.I find the silicone muffin molds require less oil, but even if you have the regular metal ones the amount of oil used is minimal . Use a healthier oil like olive oil or coconut oil.