Nutrition guide and tips for beginners.

registers Posts: 782 Member
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
Nutrition is critical in weight loss. I honestly believe it's about good stuff in, good stuff out.
Most people recommend to shop on the outside of the super market, meaning don't go down the isles. If you do go down the isles try to avoid saturated fats, high levels of sodium, any ingredient that ends in "rose such as sucrose, fructose.

If you shop on the outside of the isles you would avoid most of the dangers that can be found in food. Avoid processed meats, such as hot dogs, bologne, hams things of that sort. I am not a big fan of red meats, lean cuts are okay.

Things that can be found in the isle, that is healthy is tuna, olive oil, fiber based cereals. I hesitate to say whole wheat pasta, and brown rice. They're okay, I personally don't buy them.

The types of food I mentioned eventually boil down to health meats(proteins), fruits and vegetables(carbs), and healthy fats such as nuts and olive oil.

I don't recommend making over night changes to your diet, or to an exercise program. The reason for this is, if you're used to a lot of junk food, and you suddenly try to follow the things i mentioned to a T, more then likely you're body will crave other foods that you're used to eating which can cause you to binge on unhealthy foods, which can lead to depression and low self esteem. Everyone knows what I am talking about. How many of us have been on a diet, and we felt bad because we didn't eat according to the rules? I think all of us have been in that boat.

I think a crucial thing is to focus on is a "healthy life" not necessarily on weight loss. If you live a healthy life, weight loss will follow.

It all boils down to habits, the more we do something the easier it gets. We're training our body and mind for new behavior. If I said to an over weight person "to get healthy you have to run 2 miles every day" Some might attempt it, it will cause a lot of physical and mental stress to the body. You probably won't keep at it, because it's too stressful. So how do you build up to 2miles if you're over weight? Maybe walk 10-15mins to get started, and over time, slowly increase the time. As the time increases so does the distance. Before you know it, you'd be at 2 miles.

What's the difference? Doing things in a gradual fashion. This also applies to nutrition as well. Most people try to lose on average about 5-10lbs a month. In a year this will be 60 - 120lbs. Sure it's perfectly possible. What if you shot for 40lbs a month? Think about the amount of exercise, and the changes in dietary habits from losing 60lbs a year to losing 40lbs a year. Losing 40lbs a year is more gradual and less stressful and very very achievable. The bigger the weight loss the more stress on the body. The more stress on the body the more likely it will back fire on you.

If you want to lose weight at a rapid pace, go for it, see how it works for you. If it doesn't work out, don't get discouraged, just realized you put too much stress on your body and try to be more lenient on your goal.

I highly recommend to keep things easy on yourself so you don't suffer any undue stress.

A good meal planing tip I am aware of, that's very simple. Is based out of "the zone diet"' It's pretty easy, you just grab a plate a medium size one or a small one depends on your body. Fill one part of the plate with protein based food, such as lean meats, and 2/3rds of it with fruits or vegetables. If you choose for a complex carbohydrate such as brown rice, whole grain pasta, potato. Have the portion the same size as the protein. 50/50. the size of the protein should be the size of your palm. People have different size hands, and have different protein requirements. This pretty much changes with each person. you should also add a touch of healthy fats.

The meal timing of this method is based on 3 meals and 3 snacks. Which is a good start for beginners.

I never finished what i started to say about unhealthy food. It's okay in moderation, I don't mean moderation everyday. For example if you eat ben and jerry 3 times a week. Try to buy 1 container for the week, and spread it out. Work on getting off of it. Remember what i said about slow gradual changes.

No one is perfect, we all slip up. It's a learning process of how to lose weight in a way that is right for you. Learn from your mistake you made, if you reached for that chocolate cookie that you feel guilty about, ask yourself, "why did I do it? was I hungry? it not, what can I do next time I come across this situation?" Maybe have a healthy snack in your purse/car whatever.

A good mental technique i learned is if you get a craving for a food, such as a cookie. Imagine the taste from 0 - 10. 10 being the very best tasting cookie in the world, 0 being the worst tasting cookie in the world.

I used to get the urge for tacobell taco supreme. What i used to do is say "what do i rate this food on a scale 0-10" I might say an "8" , then I say to myself what would have to be wrong to taco for it to be at a level 5? well... it has to be a bit soggy. I imagine biting in to a soggy taco...then i say to myself "what would have to happen for it to be at 3?" Well it has to be out for a few days, like left in the fridge for a few days, all cold and soggy... hmmmmmmm doesn't sound to appealing anymore. I imagine biting in to it... with the cold spoiled tomatoes... with the cheese all hard that smells funky... and spoiled lettuce... I have to stop making myself sick. haha.. but you get the point

From a mental point, you're training to link negative emotions to negative foods, so you don't desire for them. I done this technique with gatorade that is very high in carbs. I did this technique a few times, I haven't drank a gatorade in over 4yrs.

Nice quotes to keep in mind:
The longest journey begins with a single step.
Success isn't perfection, it's perseverance


  • Driagnor
    Driagnor Posts: 323 Member
    Great post
  • bjscmg
    bjscmg Posts: 77
    Criminal are you in the mood for debate cuz I'm sure one of your fans will find something wrong here LOL!!!

    Great info btw :)
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Now, THIS looks like good info in an easy to read package.
  • Great info...

    For anyone who has a very sweet tooth, like myself, who finds that they have cravings for chocolate or candy I would suggest switching to fresh fruit. I've done this for the past couple of weeks and have to say I haven't so much as looked at a chocolate bar.

    Doing my research on the healthiest ratios for weight loss (which prevents you gaining all the weight back when you stop the diet) is to eat a healthy balanced diet of 50% carbs, 30% fat and 20% protein... This is assuming that you are not an athlete or bodybuilder. The fats should be mono- or poly- unsaturated fats and the carbs should be from fruit, veg and wholegrain foods.

    There are minimal amounts of carbs, protein and fat that your body needs to function on a day to day basis and a deficit in any can lead to as many problems as too much.

    BUT.. the best way to lose weight is to exercise... The medical advice here in the UK is eat less, eat more healthily and exercise at least an hour 5 times a week.....

    I think I'm just about there!!
  • wheelieblade
    wheelieblade Posts: 323
    great post!
  • antonio823
    antonio823 Posts: 298 Member
    Thank you! This post came right on time because I have been feening for sugar (especially chocolate). I didn't get an opportunity to buy fruit this week so I guess my desire to turn to junk food has been creeping back. I try to minimize my sugar intake but it seems sugar is everywhere you turn (kinda makes me think back to the show Jamie Oliver did where they fill a school bus with sugar). I am going to try to use the scale of 0 to 10 technique but knowing my thought process it might not work for me, however the most important thing I took from your post is that we shouldn't be so hard on ourselves because the weight loss journey is a gradual process where we must learn to think differently. Great post!
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    Thank you! This post came right on time because I have been feening for sugar (especially chocolate). I didn't get an opportunity to buy fruit this week so I guess my desire to turn to junk food has been creeping back. I try to minimize my sugar intake but it seems sugar is everywhere you turn (kinda makes me think back to the show Jamie Oliver did where they fill a school bus with sugar). I am going to try to use the scale of 0 to 10 technique but knowing my thought process it might not work for me, however the most important thing I took from your post is that we shouldn't be so hard on ourselves because the weight loss journey is a gradual process where we must learn to think differently. Great post!

    thanks everyone.
  • Thank you ... Very helpful
  • iluminadaonix
    iluminadaonix Posts: 79 Member
    Love advise
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