I didnt realise...

how big i am, for the first time since i could remember i took a picture of my self in a bra and some leggings, and almost feel like i really dont know even know what to feel or say about the mirrow image, but i do know it made me cry. i know its going to be a long journey but i cant help feeling because of the pictures i took that i may never achieve my weight loss... i was actually ok before the pics funny enough, i think its reality!

sorry to be so demotivated!



  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Look. Pick yourself up and use that picture as fuel to motivate yourself. Its not going to happen over night but I can assure you that if you stick with it you will reach your goal. You may have a few battles along the way and thats ok but as long as you continue on to win the war...it all will be well worth it.

    You can do it so wipe those tears and get you MOVE ON!!
  • Tracey_Smith
    Tracey_Smith Posts: 199
    Don't be down, we'll all stand by you and help all we can x
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    Welcome aboard. You came to the tight place. Today starts a new journey and you can do it.
  • Live4HerSmile
    I feel your pain! I look at pictures and think there's NO WAY I'll ever look the way I used to, but that doesn't stop me from trying, because even somewhere in between is better than I look now!!!
  • Melinda1987
    Melinda1987 Posts: 130
    I know exactly what you mean! The person I see in the mirror is NOT the person I see in pics. Sadly enough, the person in pics is the reality. Somehow we manage to see something different in mirrors - I don't get it. Regardless - you're here to make a change - just like the rest of us! WE CAN DO IT!! :flowerforyou:
  • FTIM2015
    FTIM2015 Posts: 460 Member
    I did exactly the same, it don't half give you a kick up the *kitten* though!
  • Qattusa
    Qattusa Posts: 139 Member
    It happens to the best of us, honest. It took "fat" pics of me to wake up and realise my half-hearted attempt at losing weight was just not working. I brushed off comments from other people about my need to lose weight, but when I saw it for myself I cried for hours. And hours. And the next day too.

    But you know what? I am managing to do something about it!!! So determined have I been, that I've lost 12lbs in 2 weeks. Now I know its only the initial weight loss that will be so huge, but it's a good head start and I feel ready for the slow 1 - 2 lbs loss per week.

    You can definitely do it!!! Just keep coming on MFP and chat to all the amazing people on here who are all so willing to help and talk you through it. It's so inspiring to see the before and after photos. Keep that leggings and bra photo and wait till you see the results in say 3 months time. You will be bowled over.

    I am starting p90x workouts if you would like to try that too???

    Keep in touch!
  • djthom
    djthom Posts: 651 Member
    Just think of that as your before picture, now it's time to start working on your after picture. Check out the boards for the before and after picture, it might help to keep things in perspective for you. Some of the changes are unbelievably amazing, then tell yourself if they can do it so can you!
  • Nico0211
    Nico0211 Posts: 39 Member
    One day at the time... we are all here for the same reasons... you can do it!!!
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member

    I'm sorry it was such a shock and that you're so upset. :sad: I think many of us have gone through this feeling that the task before us is insurmountable, but somehow we achieve our goal!

    You can do this!! Take a look through the "Success Stories" area of the forum and you'll see lots of very motivating pictures and stories, many who have lost more weight than you seek to lose. You will be posting to that forum at some point as well. :smile:
  • nads2184
    nads2184 Posts: 124
    thanks guys, it was just a dose of reality and maybe i needed to see it, i have been doing mfp for 5 days now and i feel great, but i have seen loads of inspiration on here and it keeps me going. But i thought by taking the pic it would help me, but it discourage me a little. I will brush it off and take each day. I started 30 day shred yesterday and doing some exercise on the wii. i did try the insanity but failed.. i have no come across the pbx. You guys are awesome and thank you so much!.. just needed to cry. xx
  • KarenLouise1981
    Hey don't feel demotivated, like others have said - take that photo and use it as motivation! Believe me when I saw A LOT of us, me included started this journey the exaxct same way! I knew my jeans were getting tight but it wasn't until I had my photo taken with a group of girlfriends that I thought - "woah, how did that happen!" With work and dedication you will be able to look back at that photo and not even recognise the person staring back at you.

    Good luck x
  • homeport51
    homeport51 Posts: 198 Member
    Realization is half the battle, determination and commitment to do something about it is the other half. It takes courage to admit that you need to make changes, so congratulate yourself that you are stepping up to make those changes. This program works so well, the hardest part is getting started. Hang in there honey, it gets so much better!
  • RubyA2011
    RubyA2011 Posts: 66
    I know EXACTLY how you feel.

    I look in the mirror and see myself and think "hey you look ok - yes you could lose a few lb's but youve got an okay figure" then last weekend it was my daughters 5th birthday and a friend took some photo's for me. Im in a couple of them and i look HUGE! rolls of fat where i dont normally see them.

    Has certainly made me think twice about what i eat. this week has been a tough one for me as ive got my youngest two at home as its half term and my eldest son is home for the holidays too so its been a struggle to exercise.

    I am however going to Kick *kitten* from monday when i can really get back onto my exercise programme!
  • jhandley27
    jhandley27 Posts: 11
    Oh man, I know exactly how you feel... I took some pics of myself yesterday too, and when I looked at them on the computer I was just like wow... I know it's gonna take a while to put the weight off, but it was a little disappointing. Just gotta keep going and pay more attention to how good you FEEL first, and then pay attention to how you look a little farther down the road, when you'll be able to see some results :-) Turn your discouragement into motivation!