Very Interesting Information!

So.. My family and I have been eating more clean and healthy for three days now. I have a friend who is a health food nut! She buys everything organic and all natural. She even makes her dressings and condiments home made. Its very awesome what she does for herself and her family, I however do not have as much dedication, time, or will power to go that far. Anyways so the friend has been doing this for several years now and since she has she has had many friends and family that have done the same or just simply started eating healthier. She warned me prior that when you first start eating better your body will go through withdraws and you will feel very sick until you get all the junk out of your system. I didnt take her seriously and boy I should have! We didnt even eat "that bad" to begin with. I mean the occasional pizza and what not but we didnt just sit around and eat junk all day everyday, but none the less just in the past three days of calorie counting and eating lots more fruits and veggies, I have been so sick! My stomach has ben a reck! Last night I couldnt fall asleep for two hours because my stomach was so torn up, literally its like my body is craving me to put something un healthy in it! I am sticking to my guns though and my friend said that in her experience she (or her friends or family) started feeling much much better after a few days and even had more energy. I have been having sinus issues on top of this so I really feel like crap BUT I am looking forward to having more energy and being healthier. I just thought I would share this information because I didnt take it to heart when she told me, I had no clue that eating healthy would effect me this much right away! Ill admit I have gone to the restroom more often as well but I know that is because of the amount of fruits and veggies I am eating as well as my body knocking out the other. Dont be mistaken I am still eating other foods than just fruits and veggies but I am making healthier decisions about what I am eating. So far it feels pretty good and I cant wait to feel even better as I work my way to a healthier lifestyle! :)


  • hummzz
    hummzz Posts: 384 Member
    I didn't feel good for a few weeks. My stomach couldn't handle all the new good foods, but I stuck with it and now when I eat something not so good, I don't feel well. I'm sure there are things in what we "use" to eat that probably had addictive properties like sugar and preservatives and sodium. So you'll get past it. Drink more water and you'll be fine! Glad to hear you're sticking with it!
  • hummzz
    hummzz Posts: 384 Member
    I didn't feel good for a few weeks. My stomach couldn't handle all the new good foods, but I stuck with it and now when I eat something not so good, I don't feel well. I'm sure there are things in what we "use" to eat that probably had addictive properties like sugar and preservatives and sodium. So you'll get past it. Drink more water and you'll be fine! Glad to hear you're sticking with it!