Hi! I'm Brenda and need some advice!

I have gone thru menopause early 40's and blame that for waking up one day and actually feel my body drop. All of a sudden my whole body image changed and I was a steady size 6 and now 10 creeping into 12. I am devistated and can't get used to the weight being on me. I am only 5ft and 46yrs old but I feel like I'm in my 20's mentally. Does that make sense to any one?? The problem I have with myself is that I settled for it 80% of the time the other 10% I have spent tons of money from infomercials on programs that help you lose weight, and then I never stuck to it because I kept second guessing what I had just purchased. I am easily bored and joined 2 different gyms and didn't stick with it. I like old school days when you could just join aerobic class with a group of people and an awesome instructor. Because of 3 knee surguries I am limited to walking, because of a car accident I have lower back pain issues. I am my own pain in the butt. I am a good eater though, that I can say. But today on my pal, I realized I am eating good food just not enough throughout the day. I do alot of running around for either my job or friends but nothing of great signicance to myself. Does anyone share my pathetic story?? I want to drop 25lbs. don't know how I'm going to do it but I do want to try. I like all natural foods, not big on chicken but will eat it. I love fish and will never eat meat. If anyone has an idea or great food ideas low in carbs, because I am itailan, we all know where the carbs go!! I need alot of fiber because I have a gut all of a sudden. So that's my story and I thought maybe someone else is like me. Just checking it out. I am new, so forgive me if this is not the normal introduction. thanks Brenda


  • franzy
    franzy Posts: 259
    welcome to mfp you'll find the motivation here, feel free to add me as a friend for support and motivation. :smile:
  • daylitemag
    daylitemag Posts: 604 Member
    Welcome Brenda. I'm new as well. It sounds like you already have the basic tools for healthy eating (i.e. you love fish and don't eat much or any meat). If pasta is an issue then perhaps try buying the new breed of pastas that come with a higher fibre content. It doesn't taste as good (IMO) as "normal" pasta, but I find it much more filling so I eat less of it.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I have loss 30 lbs not doing any exercise. You just have to stay within your calorie goal for the day and you will lose.
    Make every calorie count by eating healthy. Give up the processed food and watch when eating out. Log on every day and be honest with your diary. Enter foods before you eat them so you know before and not after what affect they will have on your numbers. If you have a question just ask and someone will answer. Make it a lifestyle and not a diet. A lifestyle is forever.
    Welcome and Good luck.
  • WWhitaker
    WWhitaker Posts: 309
    Try swimming! That's the best aerobic activity you can get that's low impact on your knees and great for lower back pain!
  • run_momma_run
    I have loss 30 lbs not doing any exercise. You just have to stay within your calorie goal for the day and you will lose.
    Make every calorie count by eating healthy. Give up the processed food and watch when eating out. Log on every day and be honest with your diary. Enter foods before you eat them so you know before and not after what affect they will have on your numbers. If you have a question just ask and someone will answer. Make it a lifestyle and not a diet. A lifestyle is forever.
    Welcome and Good luck.

    Great advice. :smile:

    And I second the swimming - low impact at its best.
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    Sounds like you want to go low carb as a way to lose the weight. However, I wouldn't recommend goin low carb completly. I'd say cut out a few carbs that you know you'll be able to stick to long term. Take for example: instead of eating 2 slices of bread everyday switch to a whole wheat tortilla wrap once a day instead. It's a slight change with less carbs. Instead of eating spaghetti eat whole wheat rice. Instead of eating soups eat chilli. Just some advice. Just don't jump into a diet that you wont be able to stick to. It has to be a lifestyle change other wise it wont last.

    You say you are a memeber of 2 different gyms, well the money you spent on memberships outta be motivation right there. If you have trouble gettin the abmition to get up and go to the gym then do it first thing in the morning. That'll also give you energy for the rest of the day.

    Do you like swimming? Do exercies that you enjoy doin.
  • sweat4me
    sweat4me Posts: 6
    Hello, I know about the menopause thing. Sort of breezed thru it in my 50's. I WAS a runner or over 30 years. Herniated L4-L5 as result, but I was still able to do vigorous workouts in gym, or walk for miles.Three years ago I began using extreme fitness shoes. 11/10 I began to have back pain that the injections could no longer ease. By 1/2011 I could not walk. Neuro exam pronounced advanced spinal stenosis. I was/am devastated! It is now May. I go to gym and purpose to burn 300-400 calories. I have worked out, but because i had no eating pattern, I have gained weight, but I was feeling good. I am sort of a health foodie, even though the meals I ate were healthy, timing and portions were not part of equation. It ballooned w/ this setback from 150(still 10lbs over for 5'3"). I weighed in @164lbs on Wed. Now it's serious, because the added weight has dangerous consequences. I was put on blood pressure meds during peri meno, even though I was running 5k's, 10k's,and 1/2 and marathons. I saw myself become old beginning 11/10. Those workout shoes should have come w/ a warning for me. My have suffered back trauma, but w/ this fitness pal tool, and the aerobic eqptmnt I can use,things are looking better. I am committed, and writing down what goes into my mouth makes it real. I am over 60. My goal is to lose 20 lbs consciously.
  • jeannas
    jeannas Posts: 109 Member
    Hello My friend! I loved your post! Talk to you soon! :wink: