Lapse in Judgement in Food Selection

LourdesitaMaria Posts: 58 Member
edited September 28 in Motivation and Support
Alright since March 30 I have lost 9.6 lbs. Which I think is very slow and very little weight loss, but I have resolved to the fact that something is indeed SOMETHING. I struggle with emotional eating and lapses of reason when it comes to eating. In the spur of the moment I will set my mind on something and I'll get it, eat it, and then feel defeated. Lately, I've gotten a handle on it, though yesterday I lapsed again...and I ate 20 chicken nuggets from McDonalds, large fries, a medium coke, and 2 packets of sweet and sour sauce. Oh how horrible of me!!!! I didn't think twice when purchasing them and sitting down to eat them, but now I"m dwelling on the incident and I feel horribly especially after tracking them on the food tracker and seeing the battle scars of calories that I put into my body from that blow. I have so much weight to lose; why do sabbotage my efforts. I want to lose weight and be healthy more than anything...please help any suggestion or support would be much appreciated...:brokenheart:


  • aflane
    aflane Posts: 625 Member
    Here's my helpful advice: Before you eat anything (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack, binge-out)... LOG IT!!! If you do this BEFORE your meal you'lll have a better idea of exactly what you're eating.

    I drive my hubby crazy with my constant logging... he complains, that the food was getting cold and I repeatedly tell him to go ahead and start eating. I have to know WHAT I'm eating, and how much I'm permitted. Conversely, even though he complains that I take time to log my food, he's really proud of my weight loss.
  • Here's my helpful advice: Before you eat anything (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack, binge-out)... LOG IT!!! If you do this BEFORE your meal you'lll have a better idea of exactly what you're eating.

    I drive my hubby crazy with my constant logging... he complains, that the food was getting cold and I repeatedly tell him to go ahead and start eating. I have to know WHAT I'm eating, and how much I'm permitted. Conversely, even though he complains that I take time to log my food, he's really proud of my weight loss.

    <--- She is right!....

    On the other hand, Eventually, YOu will quit even craving McDonalds and stuff like that. Granted, I still crave sweets so I will allow myself some. Its all about planning. I feel if you walk into McDonalds with no plan, it is like wearing a blind fold. If you do choose to go there again, try for the happy meal or half of one of their salads ( i know the dressing is high in cals)....You can do this!
  • jrp31
    jrp31 Posts: 47 Member
    Totally agree with everything posted previously. And I think you should be proud of yourself for having lost almost 10 lbs in just over 2 months! If you keep that up you will have lost 60 lbs in one year, which is nothing to feel bad about! And if you kick it up a notch you will lose even more! Keep going!
  • sue26
    sue26 Posts: 412
    In the first place 9.6 lbs is weight you dont have any more. so good job even though you think it is too slow:smile:
    secondly that was yesterday and today is a new day so start over and forget about the McD:smile:
    I find if I pack a snack before I leave home (even if its just one of those Fiber bars) I eat that instead, even in a restaurant where they serve food:smile:
    Good luck, you can do it:smile:
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    Don't kid yourself, 10lbs in 2 months is a great loss. People regress, it happens, you will learn from your mistakes and progress, or continue with your old ways and lose everything you've worked for. It's your decision. It sounds to me like you'd prefer the former, which I applaud. I believe you'll find yourself doing this less often as the new food habits replace the old.
  • kater8er
    kater8er Posts: 364 Member
    You will quit craving it so much eventually. But I like to think about it this way....What if instead of eating 20 nuggets and a large fry, you had a 3 piece select and a small fry? Or just a small fry? I don't try to cut things out--ex, I love cheese and ranch dressing and chocolate--so if I have them, I make sure I have a reasonable amount. If you do that, you won't feel guilty about having it!
  • denisecc
    denisecc Posts: 72 Member
    I feel the same way sometimes but you know what, you can't dwell on it you will be defeated. If I really want something that I know isn't good for me, I just make sure I work out and eat good the rest of the day. Try planning out your day with exercise, and activites that will keep you motivated. I make sure I always have healthy chices in the house then I am less likely to eat the bad stuff. My husband and the kids are so used to it they don't even miss the junk food I used to buy..Set your mind to what you want to do and you will do it....:)
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    A guy just posted a great blog on keeping it simple...I commented on it, but can't seem to find it now! The best advice is really to plan ahead for meals and plan to stick to it.
  • Aviendha_RJ
    Aviendha_RJ Posts: 600 Member
    You know what? I think it's AWESOME you've lost almost 10 lbs since March. After my breakup with my BF I dropped 8lbs in 2 weeks in February. And... they're BACK!!! The inches have changed for me though, but the scale is back to where it was. I feel like all that hard work has gone for NOTHING sometimes.

    But you know what? I've got *some* ideas for coping with food cravings.

    1) Allow yourself a desert with your lunch & dinner. I like Jell-O Fat Free 60 Cal Puddings (because there are a lot of flavours), or a Motts Apple Sauce Cup (also 60 Calories). Or hey, if you can't sneak those calories in, go with Fat Free Jell-O itself. It's practically FREE on the Calories. It's sweet, but it's like cheating without cheating!

    2) PORTION CONTROL. If you crave the Pringles, get the 100 Cal Can. If you crave the Oreos, get the 100 Cal package.

    3) LABEL your snack packages with days of the week if you have to so you know... 100 Cal Pretzel Pack on Tuesday, 100 Cal Oreos on Wednesday, 100 Cal Popcorn Pack on Thursday. You don't get bored of your snacks, you don't over-indulge, & you keep accountable to yourself. If you ate it today, you don't get it tomorrow! Use a calendar if you have to!

    4) Gum! I became an addict when I had braces. My Orthodontist said "Chew Gum like you Own Stocks"... and those puppies came off 8 months before scheduled! So... I chew gum. If I crave sweet, I go for a Fruit Flavour. Sometimes just changing flavours of gum all the time can really help. And they're only 5 calories for 2 pieces usually.
  • what happens happens - i feel the same way sometimes. you stop looking for a second and somehow you're at the drive through paying for nuggets (or in my case, chik fil a nuggets). as long as you're honest in your log (chart EVERYTHING) and you only do it every so often, it's fine!

    in my experience, emotionally berating yourself will only make you feel worse and mess up more... so accept it and move on! food is just food, not judgement....
  • LourdesitaMaria
    LourdesitaMaria Posts: 58 Member
    I want to thank all of you for your support and advice. It gives me a lot to think about and try. I am inspired to see how much all of you have lost on your journey and I know that I must keep pushing forward with each new day. Thank you! What I did yesterday was an impulse move on my part. I just need to place my mind on other things like losing the next 10 lbs. I appreciate you all.:flowerforyou:
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