Feeding Children Right!



  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    I wish I knew some special foods for kids. My daughter is 2 (3 in July) and NEVER wants to eat ANYTHING. I have to argue with her at every meal and she still won't eat. She should look like a skeleton by now. I'm close to tears every day with this crap. I can't take it anymore, she has been like this every since starting solid foods...so it's been about 2 years now that I have been going through this three times a day. I'm so frustrated I could explode.

    I have 3 daughters and run a daycare in my home. Yes I offer a big variety and my own children see how healthy and adventurous I am. It never fails that if I have something on my plate only, made just for me I have kids scrambling, begging and crying wanting what I have. If I put the same food on their plate as mine they want nothing to do with it.

    I'll purposely make extra just for this reason then eventually I'll get request to make those foods for them. Try not to make a big deal of it. My oldest daughter is almost 8 and used to be extremely picky. She takes after her Dad. The older she gets and the more she sees what I eat and that I am always talking about something new I'm trying, the more she's atleast trying new foods which is what I'm after. I have never been picky ( I would beg my Mom to make me brussel sprouts and I liked veggies plain, no cheese!) but even some of the foods I did disliked as a child I have grown to love.

    When my girls tell me they don't like it I sometimes say thats ok, I didn't like that when I was a kid either but now I do. It seems the less of an issue I make of it the better. I set an example, we discuss foods often especially since I'm a foodie and we all love the Farmers Market.

    All the kids love fruit and veggie stickers, stamps and books. And I'm not opposed to hiding veggies and protein. I figure its no different then all the times I use baby food puree or applesauce in place of oil. I don't run down the list of ingredients in spaghetti sauce (theres more then just tomatoes in there) or other dishes I make as long as you still offer them individually also. I make a pumpkin curry soup that's heavenly and you would never know its pumpkin in there unless I told you. It just makes it creamy.