Low Carb Pals?

Anyone else have a lot of weight to lose and doing low carb? I have awesome pals on here, but it would be great to add some with similar food goals too! Caveat: I don't eat processed foods so ... avoiding shakes, bars, frozen meals etc.

Friend me!


  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Lots of us here, and there are a bunch of Paleo/Primal folks here too, NO Processed foods (well try to limit them as much as pos)
  • Aross83
    Aross83 Posts: 936 Member
    Low carb is the way to go.. and if i have carbs i try my hardest to do it on the weekend.
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    Yup I'm still working on the reducing processed foods b/c it's a process! I am on the low carb bandwagon and have great results to break my 6 wk plateau.
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    Hey there! Same boat. I'm insulin resistant so I normally eat 'low carb' meaning <100g/day, but since Monday I've cut it down to <20g/day and dropped 2.5lbs. I severely restrict to break those dreaded plateaus and nothing works quite like cutting carbs.

    I eat a little bit of proccessed food, because when limiting to <20g a day I can't live without something sweet so I sneak in an adkins chocolate-something. But 95% of the time I'm shopping on the outer isles of the grocery store! :bigsmile:
  • shesnotthere
    shesnotthere Posts: 117
    Wow.. a lot of responses ! Keep 'em coming :)
  • Aurelina
    Aurelina Posts: 197 Member
    Hey! <wave to you>

    I could be more than you want.

    I've been mostly in ketosis since I got here. Processed foods in my normal day? Coconut oil/milk, some butter, some cream (still trying to totally and completely wean from diary), sauerkraut, ..... hummmmm that might be it. LOL I make my own jerky with nothing on it for my "fast food". For bars I sometimes go with a pemmican bar from USwellness and there's only grassfed meat/fat in that. Beware, it looks like you are biting into a crunchy bar of yum, but it's a taste to be er, cultivated. Worth it to have on hand when I'm completely on-the-go crazed and I don't want to get sidetracked. Super fun splurge for me is salad, veggies, berries. And red wine sometimes, but the fun buzz isn't that great when I'm in ketosis. Ketosis seems to kill my jonesing for red wine. Perhaps something worth knowing for some?! I don't intend to be so hardcore keto forever, but right now my body is thriving with it. Also, at this point I do better not to get my fancy gourmet self too worked up with spices and la-dee-dah cooking (the paleo drool worthy cooking sites get bookmarked, but not salivated over right now). My knees have their own timetable for hurry the **** up on the weight loss and I'll do the "oh this is my breezy lifestyle and I'm taking my time routine" sometime later. Anyone who confesses to having eaten more than one swallowed bite of a USwellness pemican bar is in another universe of odd. I know it.

    Flying my flag.....
  • shesnotthere
    shesnotthere Posts: 117
    Bump! :)