17 day diet



  • MightyMae1
    MightyMae1 Posts: 208
    I am eager to know if anyone has finished this diet and if they kept the weight off. I don't know anything about the diet, but some of you guys said you've had amazing results! I just want to know if anyone has kept it off before I invest in ANOTHER weight loss book.

  • dsak
    dsak Posts: 367 Member
    Some of the other folks have nailed the highlights of the diet.

    I began the diet in mid-March, and I lost 15lbs in 4 weeks. Cycle 1 does have you cut carbs and sugars from your diet, and is somewhat restrictive with what you can eat. However, that is what I needed to kick me into my weight loss gear. I followed cycle 2 pretty closely, but not to a tee. I haven't really been following cycles 3 / 4 though. Since I finished cycle 2, I really haven't been craving too many sweets and carbs (not like I use to). I've been trying to eat healthy and work out daily as part of my lifestyle change, Next Monday I will go back into cycle 1 mode to, again, help kick my weight loss into gear. I think it's the extra push I need.

    They do recommend green tea with every meal, and hot lemon water upon rising in the morning. I found that drinking too much tea interfered with me getting in 8 glasses of water a day, so.... I just have a cup in the AM with breakfast, and then I have a cup of decaf in the evening before bed.

    I find this diet is more about making a lifestyle change. It's not a crazy diet at all, and once you get past the first 17 days, it's basically all about eating healthy and making the right choices.
  • cobylea
    cobylea Posts: 194 Member
    Yikes!!! Are the headaches supposed to be this bad???
  • Allegi32
    Allegi32 Posts: 302 Member
    bump for the recipe link!
  • yellowpear
    yellowpear Posts: 137 Member
    I just finished the first 17 day cycle, and believe I lost about 11 pounds. (I try not to weigh myself during "that time of the month", but I just took my measurements and lost 5" off my waist and 3" off my hips - a definite, very noticeable change!!)

    The diet consists of four 17-day cycles, each with different foods you can eat. The first cycle is fiber-rich fruits and veggies, "good fats" (i.e. olive and flaxseed oil), probiotics (like Activia and kefir) and LEAN protein (eggs/egg whites, turkey, chicken and fish). You derive your carbs in moderation only from fruits and veggies - no grains.

    The second cycle, you add back in some "good carbs" like brown rice, quinoa, legumes, oatmeal as well as some lean cuts of red meat and pork. However, you only add these new foods in every other day - sticking to the previous foods on the alternate days. The idea is to "confuse" your metabolism and avoid plateaus - a theory I've never heard before, and one that experts who review the diet seem to believe is unproven.

    The second two cycles are even less restrictive, but still focus on healthy choices made in moderation.

    Another cornerstone of the diet is that you exercise every day - for a minimum of 17 minutes.

    Overall, my experience so far with the diet has been good, and I know my weight loss will slow significantly now that I'm adding back some carbs. There is nothing particularly revolutionary about this diet plan, but for me, it's helpful to have specific guidelines so that I can plan healthy meals. The reason this diet appealed to me is that I truly want to get healthy, not just lose weight, and so diets that preach "eat all the fat you want and don't eat bread" don't appeal.

    Good luck to everyone who's trying it with me!

    Thank you for the details. Is it possible to have unlimited amount of egg whites in the 1st cycle?
  • mosaix
    mosaix Posts: 87 Member
    Does anyone have a link to this diet? I'm intrigued!
  • FunSize2009
    FunSize2009 Posts: 7 Member
    What is PCOD?