Severely under MFP calorie goal!



  • alfapaolo
    alfapaolo Posts: 7 Member
    hello, the worst you can do to you is skeep meals and go into starvation mode. Remember you are doing this for a healthy-er life.
    try to eat 4 or 5 times a day, do not try to loose more than 2 lb a week!! unless you want to loose the muscles you have. Just 3 weeks ago a good qualifyed trainer told me to try nutrition at 50%proteine 40%carbs(good carbs) and 10% fat and it's working! It is difficult to get so much protein with little fat but with a lot of fish, egg whites, lean chicken and of course proteine powder you can find the way. Since i've started this i've lost 4lb and kept my lean mass. IT"S HARD BUT WE ARE HERE FOR VICTORY!! i'm sure you will find the way.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    hello, the worst you can do to you is skeep meals and go into starvation mode. Remember you are doing this for a healthy-er life.
    try to eat 4 or 5 times a day, do not try to loose more than 2 lb a week!! unless you want to loose the muscles you have. Just 3 weeks ago a good qualifyed trainer told me to try nutrition at 50%proteine 40%carbs(good carbs) and 10% fat and it's working! It is difficult to get so much protein with little fat but with a lot of fish, egg whites, lean chicken and of course proteine powder you can find the way. Since i've started this i've lost 4lb and kept my lean mass. IT"S HARD BUT WE ARE HERE FOR VICTORY!! i'm sure you will find the way.

    That is quite low on fat, what was the reason for the low fat%? From my understanding we should be getting a minimum of 20% calories from fat, as fat is essential for many of the bodies functions, so I am just curious. FYI: most trainers have very limited training on nutrition.
  • barbiex3
    barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
    The whole carb thing is just a sham--carbs do NOT make you fat. Don't worry about them anymore.
    I think your food diary looks fine except for the McDonald's part.
    The only carbs you need to avoid are refined carbs--white bread, white rice, stuff like that--they've been overly
    processed to the point of having pretty much no nutrition.
    Other than that carbs are actually really good for you.
    One suggestion I have is if you're using regular milk in your ceral switch to soy, rice, or almond milk.
    Dairy does make you fat, like really bad. Plus dairy has caesin, a protein which is considered one of the worst

    Dairy doesn't make you fat. Eating more calories than you burn is what makes you fat, regardless of the source of calories.

    SO TRUE!! I've lost 22 pounds this way, & i'm down to 135, and I NEVER let myself go less than 1200 in a day....
  • Kristhin
    Kristhin Posts: 442 Member
    "Dairy doesn't make you fat. Eating more calories than you burn is what makes you fat, regardless of the source of calories."

    You're right, eating more calories than you burn IS what makes you fat.
    However, there are certain foods the body is designed to eat a lot of, and certain foods the body is meant to eat in
    extreme cases of starvation. What food you put in your body directly impacts your health, and a poor diet can often
    result in obesity.
    Certain foods contribute more to obesity than others. Due to fad diets like South Beach and Atkins,
    many people believe these foods are foods that have carbohydrates.
    However, a lot of research has been done which has suggested for many years, and recently conclusively found that obesity is directly linked with how much animal protein a person consumes--meat or dairy. Meat and dairy are not only major CONTRIBUTORS (not the sole cause) to obesity, but the more you eat the more you are also contributing to your risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and osteoporosis.
    Why do you think they feed cows fish and euthanized homeless pets, even though thats about as far from their natural diet
    as you can get?
    Because it fattens them up. QUICK.
  • LittleD311
    LittleD311 Posts: 618 Member
    In my opinion, your breakfasts should be at least 400 calories, its the first meal of the day, and you really gotta make sure you eat, do veggie omeltes, egg whites, turkey bacon, oatmeal, smoothies, something.....You just gotta really fuel your body frequently in order to loose weight.....
  • randisaucier
    randisaucier Posts: 178 Member

    Agreed! I have been very successful in the past watching my carb intake. Not to mention 100 grams of carbs a day is not a low carb diet at all, so no need to flame the OP.

    My advice it to up your protein! You can do things like snack on boiled eggs, have larger servings of protein (3oz of chicken is very little), and add healthy oils into your diet such as olive oil or flaxseed oil.

    My one question is are you measuring or weighing your foods? 3 oz of chicken is very little as in 1/3 of a sandwich. You may want starting measuring and weighing your foods for a while to see if you are actually eating as small of a severing you have logged in your diary. You may just be eating more calories than you think.

    Good luck!
  • kissandxmakeup
    Thank you all so much for the tips!! As for the starvation concerns...I'm never starving! I feel like I'm eating constantly. lol maybe I'm just eating the wrong things, so I'm definitely going to start adding more to each meal. The reason I am adamant about carbs is because I am insulin resistant and EXTREMELY sensitive to them! I promise, I'm not borderline anorexic or anything, I just wanted tips on what foods could increase my calorie intake without overloading on carbs, despite them being "good" or not.
  • kissandxmakeup
    Thanks for the tips! I measure and portion my food religiously and that really helps me to recognize appropriate portions. I just need ideas to increase my calorie intake. Thanks a bunch!
  • Kristhin
    Kristhin Posts: 442 Member

    Great info, please watch if you get the time.
    I have literally watched this work in people I know who have done it.