Comments can be annoying...

So lately people, including friends, family, co-workers, etc, have noticed that I have lst some weight. No when they see me in shorts or a dress or anything that shows off my body more, they always comment about how skinny I am! Im proud of how I look and how hard I have worked and dont get me wrong, Im greatful that they noticed. But hte comments are kind of rude. They are like "boy look how skinny ur legs are!" or "Why dont you try eating some food!" or my fav, "Wow, that outfit makes you look way too skinny, almost sickly!" I am just getting so sick of the comments and I dont know how I can make them stop. I should be getting good support not rude responses, right?


  • polar5554
    polar5554 Posts: 576 Member
    One Word...JEALOUS
  • tmarie1213
    tmarie1213 Posts: 43 Member
    Most people who make those sort of comments are most likely jealous of your success in weight loss. If you're comfortable with how you look and what you weigh, then you shouldn't try to let it get to you. I know it's hard sometimes though. Keep your pretty little head up and know you're happy with who you are! :)
  • Noctuary
    Noctuary Posts: 255
    I took a look at your pics. Specifically the one in the bikini in color. Same as the black and white, except I can see your ribs. I am assuming you are a shorter gal, right? I'll be honest. You look extremely thin.
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    So lately people, including friends, family, co-workers, etc, have noticed that I have lst some weight. No when they see me in shorts or a dress or anything that shows off my body more, they always comment about how skinny I am! Im proud of how I look and how hard I have worked and dont get me wrong, Im greatful that they noticed. But hte comments are kind of rude. They are like "boy look how skinny ur legs are!" or "Why dont you try eating some food!" or my fav, "Wow, that outfit makes you look way too skinny, almost sickly!" I am just getting so sick of the comments and I dont know how I can make them stop. I should be getting good support not rude responses, right?

    I think it matters on perception. It can easily be interpreted as rude. Doesn't mean they're not trying to look out for you and support you.
  • JMCade
    JMCade Posts: 389 Member
    Yep- jealous. Tell em your at a healthy BMI and ask them what theirs is hahahahaha!
  • kennie2
    kennie2 Posts: 1,171 Member
    I took a look at your pics. Specifically the one in the bikini in color. Same as the black and white, except I can see your ribs. I am assuming you are a shorter gal, right? I'll be honest. You look extremely thin.

    some people might just have a large ribcage.
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    Try to take it as a complement and respond with a thank you and how you worked hard to get this body. A lot of those people have given up on a dream of being fit and have settled with their size so they think everyone else should be happy to with what ever they have or had in your case.
  • msminyon
    msminyon Posts: 32 Member
    How does your doctor feel about your weight? if he's ok with it then I'd reply back to those comments with that information.
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    I took a look at your pics. Specifically the one in the bikini in color. Same as the black and white, except I can see your ribs. I am assuming you are a shorter gal, right? I'll be honest. You look extremely thin.
    I have ribs but i am still over weight, i gain it all on my legs and butt.
  • kirstyfromscotland
    kirstyfromscotland Posts: 555 Member
    rhey will b jealous that they dont look as good as u, dont let them get u down, keep ur head high n remember all the hard work u put in2 looking that good. :happy:
  • Noctuary
    Noctuary Posts: 255
    I took a look at your pics. Specifically the one in the bikini in color. Same as the black and white, except I can see your ribs. I am assuming you are a shorter gal, right? I'll be honest. You look extremely thin.

    some people might just have a large ribcage.
    Yeah, that's true. But so are her wrists bones bigger then her hands. Her face looks extremely thin as well. Then again, like I said, she could be a smaller gal and this is totally normal. I just see what my eyes see.
  • korygilliam
    korygilliam Posts: 594 Member
    As long as you are within your healthy weight range, then simply point out to them that you are right on target! If it is your family or friends, I would tell them straight out that you are hurt by their rude remarks regarding your size. Make sure they are aware that, although you are very skinny in comparison to the majority of Americans, you are at a healthy weight and it took you a lot to get there. Might even quote them what your healthy weight range is for your height...they may just be concerned that you are not eating enough and trying to conform to 'Hollywood standards'. From your picture, it looks like you have the body frame for low body weight, I wish I did! My hips will never allow me to get back to the 120's (that, and because I am 5'10").

    Congrats on your loss
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    OMG SOMEONE GET THIS GIRL A CHEESEBURGER....jk...but im sure you heard comments like that....and you know what? if they want to be rude and say things like that ask them how many cheeseburgers they have been eating.
  • Flwrsme
    Flwrsme Posts: 39
    I took a look at your pictures as well. Yes you do look thin, but isnt that what we are striving for? Also you look like your a tiny girl already, and also your very young and have a "younger" type of body (if that makes any sense). Your not unhealthy and thats what matters. I also took a look at your diary (thanks for having that open btw, not too many of us do and i think its extremely helpful and inspirational) and your deffinately not starving yourself. Damn you eat more calories than me.

    But just take it in stride.... for some reason people feel alot more open to tell someone they are too skinny rather than tell someone your too fat. You know your healthy and have worked very hard. =)
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    I don’t think they are necessarily jealous, I don’t know them. However you do look extremely thin in your photo but if you are happy with your results then that’s all that matters.

    I am sure at one point or another we have all looked at someone and thought damn they are way too skinny, we may not have gone up to them and tell them, because we don’t know them, but these people are, I assume, family and friends and they probably feel concerned or comfortable saying it to you.

    Just ensure you are healthy.
  • kmp327
    kmp327 Posts: 97 Member
    Totally, people are just jealous. It's like when I see someone stick thin on tv and I say "Ugh, I wouldn't even WANT that body, I would rather have curves." Well that's not entirely true. I would much rather be super thin (as long as I had muscle tone) than be overweight and uncomfortable in my clothing! People just say that because it makes them feel better about themselves. Of course, it's something they SHOULD keep to themselves, but they don't because they think it's like a half compliment (because society rewards skinny even on unhealthy conditions).

    It's totally a double standard because if you said to someone who had gained a bunch of weight "Wow, you've gained weight - you look pretty unhealthy," people would eat you alive for saying that to someone. I recommend if someone is a repeat offender for you to get them alone and tell them that it really hurts your feelings and you don't appreciate the comments. If it's someone who you're just seeing at a party and probably won't see again, I find a simple silent moment and a "look" that lets them know that what they said was not okay can be quite affected. Or if you're comfortable enough, I would even just flat out say "Well that's kind of rude!" and walk away.

    In the end, we can't control what people say to us or about us. The only thing we can control is how we react to it! I know it's hard, but just try to take it as a compliment because in a twisted way, that's probably how they meant it.
  • MFP1984
    MFP1984 Posts: 48 Member
    At first when I read this I thought yeah peeps are jealous but on seeing your food diary you are having quite a few days where you eat less than 1000 cal (unless you're just not logging everything).

    You do look good on your profile pic but please don't take it too far, make sure you stay in a healthy range and stay sensible. xx
  • kmp327
    kmp327 Posts: 97 Member
    Also I would encourage people to not take this as an opportunity to look at this girl's pictures and dissect the different parts of her body, as I've seen a few people do. That's rude, and not the kind of support she is asking for. She eats healthy and feels good about herself, and that's all that matters.
  • polar5554
    polar5554 Posts: 576 Member
    Also I would encourage people to not take this as an opportunity to look at this girl's pictures and dissect the different parts of her body, as I've seen a few people do. That's rude, and not the kind of support she is asking for. She eats healthy and feels good about herself, and that's all that matters.

    What she said...
  • LyndseyMcKnight7
    I took a look at your pics. Specifically the one in the bikini in color. Same as the black and white, except I can see your ribs. I am assuming you are a shorter gal, right? I'll be honest. You look extremely thin.

    some people might just have a large ribcage.
    Yeah, that's true. But so are her wrists bones bigger then her hands. Her face looks extremely thin as well. Then again, like I said, she could be a smaller gal and this is totally normal. I just see what my eyes see.
    The OP wasn't asking for more criticism, she was complaining about those types of comments.