What is your "reason" for losing weight?



  • kleavitt1992
    kleavitt1992 Posts: 592 Member
    started out with medical problems pcos and insulin resistance but im at a healthy weight now so its vanity and wanting to be that girl every guy wants but cant have lol
  • lachicadelfuego
    lachicadelfuego Posts: 35 Member
    1. My 11 year old is catching crappy already about being more round than the other girls and I want her to see how to do things the right way. (even though she is fuller in all the right places already! Grown women have stopped to tell me how beautiful her figure is )

    2. I want another child and news to be a healthier weight to do so. At least 50 more pounds gone.

    3. Diabetes is rampant in both sides of my family. I've already begun to feel some of the early signs and want to head it off before it goes any further.

    4. My 75 year old grandpa is in better shape than me because he works out and runs everyday to keep his diabetes under control. If he can do it at his age so can I!