For Veggie lovers (no cooking required)

This is SO delicious and healthy:

2 large Zucchini
2 large Squash
1 c whole grape tomatoes
1 large avocado
1/2 c. feta cheese
1/4 c. Fresh Cilantro
2 tbs olive oil

1. Clean the zucchini and squash then slice each about quarter inch thick and put in a big bowl
2. Clean then cut the grape tomaotes in half then add to bowl
3. Slice the avocado into cubes or long slices however you prefer. I cut them into cubes and add to bowl
4. Add the feta cheese and cilantro
5. Add the olive oil and toss the mixture together lightly. Set in the fridge covered for about 30 minutes to 1 hour and serve!
